Non-Refereed Conference Papers (since 2000)
- Kubota, T. (2023) Cooling solutions for affordable apartments in the Global South, Proceedings of the 23rd International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Manado, Indonesia, 20th-21st October. (invited speaker)
- 佐古井智紀,久保田徹:冷暖房使用時と不使用時の自宅温熱快適域の差異の検討,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,575-576,2023年9月
- 北川遼,浅輪貴史,久保田徹:高温多湿気候のインドネシアにおける潜熱蓄熱材を用いた自然換気住宅の性能評価に関する研究 その1 床冷却システムの蓄冷性能の年間評価,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,829-830,2023年9月
- 浅輪貴史,北川遼,久保田徹:高温多湿気候のインドネシアにおける潜熱蓄熱材を用いた自然換気住宅の性能評価に関する研究 その2 窓開閉制御の最適条件の検討,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,831-832,2023年9月
- 久保田徹,Nikhil Kumar,北川遼,前田丞,浅輪貴史:Field Experiment on Effects of Vertical Void on Natural Ventilation in Double-Loaded Apartments,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,833-834,2023年9月
- 宮本圭吾,長島怜生,西入俊太朗,崎田悠生,Paratiwi Sri Novianthi,高口洋人,久保田徹: インドネシア・低所得者向け集合住宅の世帯特性を考慮した低炭素化モデルの提案 その1:世帯あたりエネルギー消費量の算出とクラスター分析による世帯分類,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,2341-2342,2023年9月
- 長島怜生,宮本圭吾,西入俊太朗,崎田悠生,Sri Novianthi Paratiwi,高口洋人,久保田徹: インドネシア低所得者向け集合住宅の世帯特性を考慮した低炭素化モデルの提案 その2:世帯あたりエネルギー消費量の将来予測と住宅特性別の低炭素化提案,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,2343-2344,2023年9月
- 神田莉子,Diego Alvarez,久保田徹:インドネシアのアフォーダブル集合住宅を対象とした木造化によるCO₂排出量削減効果の検討,日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,2353-2354,2023年9月
- Sri Novianthi Pratiwi, Yuki Sakita, Shuntaro Nishiiri, Tetsu Kubota, Hiroto Takaguchi. Preferences for Lifestyle and Living Environment That Influence Household Energy Consumption in Indonesia, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,91-92,2023年9月
- Elizabeth BUXTON, Nikhil KUMAR, Tetsu KUBOTA. Factors affecting the quality of life in middle and low-income settlements of Delhi, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,2313-2314,2023年9月
- Andhika Prasetya, Tetsu Kubota, Naveedullah Hotak, Nikhil Kumar. Proposal of base models for low-carbon affordable apartments in Indonesia, 日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演梗概集,2335-2336,2023年9月
- Kubota, T. (2022) Sustainable houses in the tropics in the age of uncertainty, Proceedings of the EDUARCHSIA Inte’l Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 25th-27th Oct. (keynote speech)
- Kubota, T. (2022) Cooling techniques under accelerating urban warming, Proceedings of the 2nd Inte’l Conference on Science in Engineering & Technology and 22nd International Seminar on Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), Sulawesi, Indonesia, 10th-11th August. (keynote speech)
- 永末 百々日,浅輪貴史,久保田徹:建築物のパッシブクーリング技術に関する既往研究の系統的整理と分析,Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Prasetya A.B., Agustiningtyas, R.S., Kubota, T., Takaguchi, H. (2022) Analysis of typical layout of apartment buildings in Indonesia, Part 1. Proposal of standard designs for low-cost public apartments, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Dung, H.A., Kubota, T. (2022) Analysis of typical layout of apartment buildings in Indonesia, Part 2. Proposal of standard designs for high-rise apartments, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Zydia, S., Kubota, T. (2022) Change in living conditions and residential satisfaction due to the civil war among Syrian refugees, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Saputra, D., Trong, T.Q., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S. (2022) Classification of urban growth of major cities in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Putra, I.D.G.A., Nimiya, H., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S. (2022) Development of climate zoning for passive cooling techniques in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Pich, P.S., Alejandra, D.R.D.M., Kubota, T., Asawa, T. (2022) Impacts of Various Window Glazing on Cooling Load and Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Maeda, T., Kubota, T. (2022) CFD analysis on window design to improve indoor thermal comfort of residential buildings in the tropics, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Kawamura, R., Asawa, T. (2022) Contact cooling effect between the barefoot and low-temperature floor on the thermal physiology and thermal sensation of the human body, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Nishiiri, S., Paratiwi, S.N., Tanaka, H., Sakita, Y., Kubota, T., Takaguchi, H. (2022) Occupant preference for living environments and its association with household energy consumption in urban houses of Indonesia, Part 1: Household energy consumption analysis in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Sakita, Y., Paratiwi, S.N., Tanaka, H., Nishiiri, S., Kubota, T., Takaguchi, H. (2022) Occupant preference for living environments and its association with household energy consumption in urban houses of Indonesia, Part 2: Analysis using Evaluation Grid Method, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Sani, H., Kubota, T., Surahman, U. (2022) Factors affecting multiple chemical sensitivity in newly constructed apartments of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Pradana, R.P., Lee, H.S. (2022) Impact of Asian-Australian monsoon and Indo-Pacific sea surface temperature on urban climates in Indonesian major cities for low-carbon affordable building design, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Aziiz, A.D., Apriliyanthi, S.R., Kubota, T., Sakoi, T. (2022) Factors affecting clothing patterns among office and factory workers in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Cahya, R.A., Pradana, R.P., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S. (2022) Influence of climatic conditions on communicable and non-communicable diseases in tropical Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-8 Sep. (Forthcoming)
- Andhang Rakhmat Trihamdani・Kikyo Sakurada・Tetsu Kubota・Takashi Asawa・Haruka Kitagawa・Hiroshi Mori (2021) Control methods of vertical airflow distribution through window design for naturally ventilated residential buildings in the hot and humid climate, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- Han Soo Lee・Hideo Nimiya・Tetsu Kubota (2021) Development of a New Climate Zoning for Passive Design in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- Hanief Sani・Jumpei Sumi・Tetsu Kubota (2021) Indoor and outdoor air pollution and respiratory health in unplanned houses in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- Ahana Sarkar・Arnab Jana・Tetsu Kubota (2021) Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on lifestyle and energy consumption in slums and slum rehabilitation housing of Mumbai, India Part 1. Environmental satisfaction before the pandemic, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- Arnab Jana・Ahana Sarkar・Tetsu Kubota (2021) Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Lifestyle and Energy Consumption in Slums and Slum Rehabilitation Housing of Mumbai, India Part2. Situation during the pandemic, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- 北川遼・浅輪貴史・久保田徹・Trihamdani Andhang Rakhmat・森博史 (2021) Optimization of radiant floor cooling systems using phase change materials for naturally ventilated residential buildings in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- 崎田悠生・Sani Hanief・久保田徹 (2021) Analysis of Influential Factors of Sick Building Syndrome in Newly Constructed Apartments of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- 西入俊太朗・田中陽菜・高口洋人・久保田徹 (2021) インドネシアにおける住宅部門エネルギー消費量の将来予測と急増抑制方法に関する研究その1 住宅部門エネルギー消費量の現状推計と将来予測方法の決定, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- 田中陽菜・西入俊太朗・高口洋人・久保田徹 (2021) インドネシアにおける住宅部門エネルギー消費量の将来予測と急増抑制方法に関する研究 その2 将来推計結果とシナリオ別の将来予測, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- 吉野未莉・諸原航・高口洋人・久保田徹 (2021) インドネシアの集合住宅における空調エリアの断熱化がLCAに及ぼす影響, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tokai, Japan, 7-10 Sep.
- Kitagawa, H., Sakurada, K., Asawa, T., Kubota, T., Mori, H. (2020) A field experiment on window systems to achieve thermal comfort with ventilative cooling in the hot-humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chiba, Japan, 8-10 Sep.
- Sumi, J., Kubota, T., Surahman, U. (2020) Effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution on respiratory health in unplanned houses of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chiba, Japan, 8-10 Sep.
- Sakurada, K., Tanimoto, A., Kubota, T., Mori, H., Asawa, T., Kitagawa, H. (2020) Effect of radiant floor cooling using phase change material on thermal comfort in hot-humid climates, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chiba, Japan, 8-10 Sep.
- Ghaiath A.M., Kubota, T. (2020) Material inventory analysis of residential buildings in Homs, Syria for rehabilitation, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chiba, Japan, 8-10 Sep.
- Kubota, T., Sumi, J., Adinugraha, K.B., Surahman, U. (2019) Mold and dampness in unplanned urban houses in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Proceedings of the 19th Science Council of Asia Conference, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 3-5 Dec.
- Sakurada, K., Kubota, T., Mori, H. (2019) Window-opening patterns and thermal comfort of residents under naturally ventilated conditions in low-cost apartments in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, 3-6 Sep.
- Sumi, J., Kubota, T., Adinugraha, K.B., Surahman, U. (2019) Field investigation on indoor air quality and health in Kampong of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, 3-6 Sep.
- Tanimoto, A., Kubota, T., Trihamdani, A.R., Mori, H. (2019) Development of radiant floor cooling system using pahse change material under hot and humid climates, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, 3-6 Sep.
- Sani, H., Kubota, T., Surahman, U. (2019) Indoor air quality and its effects on health among urban residents in Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanazawa, Japan, 3-6 Sep.
- Kubota, T., Hildebrandt S., Sani, H.A., Surahman U. (2018) Indoor air quality and health in residential buildings in major cities of Indonesia, Proceedings of the 18th Science Council of Asia Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 5-7 Dec.
- Lawan, S.A., Kubota, T. (2018) Factors affecting satisfaction levels in rehabilitation houses of conflict-affected communities in Central Mindanao, Philippines, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep.
- Fujii, M., Kubota, T., Trihamdani, A.R. (2018) Analysis of factors affecting community development in Kampung and public apartments in major cities of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Tanimoto, A., Kubota, T., Alfata, M.N.F. (2018) Study on openings for naturally ventilated houses that adapt to the hot and humid climate of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Sani, H.A., Hildebrandt S., Surahman U., Ray, H.R.D., Paramita, B. (2018) Field survey on indoor air quality and health in major cities of Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Tohoku, Japan, 4-6 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Trihamdani, A.R., Sumida, K., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S., Iizuka, S. (2018) Modification techninques for residential buildings to adapt to future urban warming in growing cities of Southeast Asia: A case study in Hanoi City, Proceedings of International Workshop on Wind-Related Disasters and Mitigation, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 11-14 March.
- Ida, M., Kubota, T., Trihamdani, A.R., Sumida, K. (2017) Factors affecting occurrence of dengue fever in major cities of Southeast Asia, Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Science Council of Asia, Manila, Philippines, 14-16 June.
- Kubota, T., Ohashi, M., Zakaria, M.A. (2017) Full-scale experiments on energy-saving modification for existing urban houses in Malaysia: Part 1. Numerical simulation on optimum combinations of passive cooling techniques, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chugoku, Japan, 31 Aug-3 Sep.
- Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T. (2017) Full-scale experiments on energy-saving modification for existing urban houses in Malaysia: Part 2. Results of full-scale experiments, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chugoku, Japan, 31 Aug-3 Sep.
- Ida, M., Kubota, T., Trihamdani, A.R., Sumida, K. (2017) Analysis of factors affecting the occurrence of dengue fever in major cities of Southeast Asia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chugoku, Japan, 31 Aug-3 Sep.
- Sumida, K., Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T. (2017) Impacts of urban warming on indoor thermal comfort and cooling load in urban houses for the 2030s: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Chugoku, Japan, 31 Aug-3 Sep.
- Zakaria, M.A., Abe, S., Kubota, T. (2016) Field investigation of indoor thermal environments in traditional Chinese shophouses with courtayrds in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia, 20-23 Sep.
- Alfata, M.N.F., Hirose, T., Kubota, T. (2016) Field investigation on indoor thermal environments on Dutch colonial buildings in Bandung, Indonesia, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia, 20-23 Sep.
- Kubota, T., Zakaria, M.A., Ohashi, M., Kanao, D., Toe, D.H.C., Ahmad, M.H. (2016) Full-scale experiments on energy-saving modification for Malaysian urban houses, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia, 20-23 Sep. (Session Paper Award)
- Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T., Iizuka, S. (2016) Impact of land use changes on urban heat islands in Hanoi under influence of global warming, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug.
- Alfata, M.N.F., Hirata, N., Hirose, T., Kubota, T. (2016) Analysis of passive cooling strategies employed in Dutch colonial buildings in Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug.
- Mori, H., Kubota, T., Shigekane, H. (2016) Comparative analysis of hourly tendencies and hinderances about window-opening behavior in residential buildings of Southeast Asia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug.
- Ohashi, M., Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T. (2016) Cooling effects of forced ventilation techniques for urban terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug.
- Kubota, T., Abe, S., Zakaria, M.A. (2016) Field investigation of thermal comfort in traditional Chinese shophouses with courtyards in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Part 1. Effect of courtyard from on its air temperature profile, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug.
- Abe, S., Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T., Toe, D.H.C. (2016) Field investigation of thermal comfort in traditional Chinese shophouses with courtyards in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Part 2. Thermal comfort evaluation, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug.
- Kanao, D., Ohashi, M., Abe, S., Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T. (2016) Field experiment on insulation installation method for brick walls appropriate for hot-humid climate using the full-scale experimental houses, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug. (in Japanese)
- Sumida, K., Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T. (2016) Study on urban heat island mitigation measures of distributing water bodies and greens in growing city of Hanoi, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kyushu, Japan, 24-26 Aug. (in Japanese)
- Ousa, S., Kubota, T. (2015) Impacts of electrification on energy usage and lifestyle in rural areas of Cambodia, Proceedings of the 15th Science Council of Asia Broad Meeting and International Symposium, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 15-16 May.
- Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T. (2015) Impacts of land use changes on urban heat island during the monsoon seasons in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 4-6 Sep.
- Abe, S., Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T. (2015) Effect of courtyard configurations on air temperature profiles of courtyards in traditional Chinese Kusunoki, T., Morishita, M., Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T. (2015) Effect of whole house ventilation on indoor thermal comfort for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 4-6 Sep.
- Hirata, N., Alfata, M.N.F., Kubota, T., Uno, T. (2015) Field measurement on indoor thermal environments in middle-class apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, Kanagawa, Japan, 4-6 Sep.
- Trihamdani, A.R., Tung, N.H., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S., Phuong, T.T.T. (2015) Urban heat islands in the future Hanoi City: Impacts on indoor thermal comfort and cooling load in residential buildings, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse, France, 20-24 July.
- Kraus, J., Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S., Kawamura, K. (2015) Comparison of land cover and land use data for urban climate modelling in Southeast Asian cities: A case study of Johor Bahru, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse, France, 20-24 July.
- Kraus, J., Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S., Kawamura, K. (2015) Integration of Singapore and Johor Bahru on urban climate during monsoon seasons, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Toulouse, France, 20-24 July.
- Nugroho A.M., Arethusa, M.T., Kubota, T., Antaryama I.G.N., Ekasiwi, S.N. (2014) Thermal condition of public apartment building as basic strategy for low energy consumption in Surabaya, Indonesia, The International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 Nov.
- Sugiyama, S., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Proposal of energy-saving renovations through passive cooling strategies for urban terraced houses in hot-humid climates of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA 2014), Hangzhou, China, 14-17 Oct.
- Kubota, T., Toe, D.H.C. (2014) An adaptive thermal comfort equation for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climates, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 423-426, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep.
- Surahman, U., Kubota, T. (2014) Analysis of household energy consumption in major cities of Indonesia: Case studies of Jakarta and Bandung, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 197-198, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep.
- Arethusa, M.T., Kubota, T., Uno, T. (2014) Daily usage patterns of window opening behavior and thermal conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 553-554, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep.
- Kusunoki, T., Sugiyama, S., Yasufuku, S., Morishita, M., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 1. Introduction, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 501-502, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Morishita, M., Yasufuku, S., Sugiyama, S., Kusunoki, T., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 2. Survey on thermal comfort for residences of terraced houses, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 503-504, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Sugiyama, S., Kusunoki, T., Yasufuku, S., Morishita, M., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 3. Passive cooling strategies, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 505-506, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Yasufuku, S., Morishita, M., Sugiyama, S., Kusunoki, T., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Proposal of energy-saving renovations for urban houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: Part 4. Passive cooling strategies for partial air-conditioning, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 507-508, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep. (in Japanese)
- Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T., Tanaka, T., Matsuo, K. (2014) Impacts of land use changes proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban heat islands: Part 1. simulation of urban climate, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 939-940, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep.
- Nam, T.H.H., Trihamdani, A.R., Kubota, T. (2014) Impacts of land use changes proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban heat islands: Part 2. Evaluation of cooling loads in residential buildings, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 941-942, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep.
- Matsunaga, K., Kubota, T., Surahman, U., Nishina, D. (2014) Analysis of factors affecting quality of life of residents in Bandung, Indonesia, Annual Meeting, AIJ, 59-60, Kobe, Japan, 12-14 Sep.
- Kubota, T., Toe, D.H.C., Sugiyama, S., Yasufuku, S. (2014) Passive cooling strategies for terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 27-31 July.
- Trihamdani, A.R., Lee, H.S., Phuong, T.T.T., Kubota, T., Tanaka, T., Matsuo, K. (2014) Effect of green strategy proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban climate, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 27-31 July.
- Zakaria, M.A., Kubota, T. (2014) Environmental design considerations for courtyards in hot-humid climate: A review, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 27-31 July.
- Matsunaga, K., Kubota, T., Kusuma, H.E., Surahman, U., Nishina, D. (2014) Analysis of factors affecting QOL of residents in Bandung: Towards balancing between QOL and household energy consumption, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 27-31 July.
- Arethusa, M.T., Kubota, T., Nugroho, A.M., Ekasiwi, S.N., Antaryama, I.G.N., Uno, T. (2014) A field survey of window-opening behavior and environmental conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy 2014, Tokyo, 27-31 July.
- Arethusa, M.T., Kubota, T., Nugroho, A.M., Ekasiwi, S.N., Antaryama, I.G.N., Uno, T. (2014) Window-opening behavior and environmental conditions in apartments of Surabaya, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.37, pp.353-356, Hiroshima, 1-2 March.
- Yasufuku, S., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Passive cooling strategies for partial air-conditioning conditions in urban houses of Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.37, pp.357-360, Hiroshima, 1-2 March. (in Japanese)
- Sugiyama, S., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2014) Proposal of passive cooling strategies for energy-saving renovations of urban houses in Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.37, pp.361-364, Hiroshima, 1-2 March. (in Japanese)
- Surahman, U., Kubota, T. (2014) Assessment of life cycle energy and CO2 emissions for residential buildings in Indonesia: a case study in Jakarta, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.37, pp.369-372, Hiroshima, 1-2 March.
- Matsunaga, K., Kubota, T., Kusuma, H.E., Surahman, U., Nishina, D. (2014) Analysis of factors affecting quality of life of residents in major cities of Indonesia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.37, pp.373-376, Hiroshima, 1-2 March. (in Japanese)
- Trihamdani, A.R., Lee, H.S., Phuong, T.T.T., Kubota, T., Tanaka, T., Matsuo, K. (2014) Impact of green strategies proposed in the Hanoi Master Plan on its urban heat island effects through numerical simulation, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.37, pp.401-404, Hiroshima, 1-2 March.
- Kubota, T. (2013) Future development of environmental engineering to Southeast Asian countries, in Symposium 'Interdisciplinary approaches and state of arts in the field of Environmental Engineering from the viewpoints of scholars under 40', Annual Meeting, AIJ, pp.45-48, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Surahman, U., Ito, Y. (2013) Assessment of life cycle energy and CO2 emissions for urban houses in Jakarta, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.
- Sugiyama, S., Toe, D.H.C., Kubota, T. (2013) Effects of natural ventilation and thermal insulation on indoor thermal environment in urban houses of Malaysia: potential of passive cooling houses under the influence of urban heat islands in the tropics, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Yasufuku, S., Kubota, T., Toe, D.H.C. (2013) Effects of courtyards on indoor thermal environment in traditional Chinese shophouses in Malacca, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.
- Matsunaga, K., Kubota, T., Kusuma, H.E., Surahman, U., Nishina, D. (2013) Factors affecting the quality of life of urban residents in
developing countries: a case study of Bandung, Indonesia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Toe, DHC. (2012) Cooling effects of courtyards in traditional Chinese shop houses in Malacca, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.
- Phuong, TTTP., Lee, HS., Kubota, T., Tanaka, T., Matsuo, K. (2012) Assessment of UHI effects due to land-use changes proposed in the Hanoi master plan, Proceedings of the 6th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Hiroshima, Japan, 21-24 Sep.
- Kubota, T., Lee, HS., Ossen, DR., Tanaka, T., Matsuo, K. (2012) The climate factors that affect UHI intensities in the tropics: a case
study of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 6th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology, Hiroshima, Japan, 21-24 Sep.
- Surahman, U., Kubota, T. (2012) A pilot survey on building materials and household energy consumption in Bandung: developing a simplified
life cycle assessment model for residential buildings in Indonesia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.35,
pp.357-360, Hiroshima, 3-4 March.
- Toe, DHC., Kubota, T., Ahmad, MH. (2012) An evaluation of the passive cooling strategies of traditional Malay houses in hot-humid climate of
Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.35, pp.441-444, Hiroshima, 3-4 March.
- Sakamoto, K., Kubota, T., Toe, DHC. (2012) Numerical simulation of passive cooling techniques for residential buildings in hot-humid
climate of Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.35, pp.445-448, Hiroshima, 3-4 March.
- Kubota, T., Tajima, K., Said, I., Rasidi, MS., Sakamoto, C. (2012) Children's participation in urban heat island mitigation strategies in
developing countries: a case study of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of Annual Research Meeting, Chugoku Chapter, AIJ, Vol.35, pp.497-500, Hiroshima, 3-4 March.
- Oliva, E.C., Kubota, T. (2011) Transitional lifestyle and energy consumption changes in the relocation of slum dwellers of Tacloban city, Philippines, Proceedings of the 42th Research Meeting (Spring), Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan, 28-29 May.
- Sakamoto, C., Kubota, T., Said, I., Rasidi, MH. (2011) Children's participation in urban heat island mitigation strategies in Malaysia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Tokyo, Japan, Aug.
- Kubota, T., Ossen, DR. (2011) Analysis of climatic conditions affecting urban heat island intensity in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Tokyo, Japan, Aug.
- Sakamoto, K., Kubota, T., Toe, DHC. (2011) Development of comprehensive passive cooling technique for terraced houses in hot-humid climate of Malaysia, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Ossen DR. (2010) A field measurement of temperature distribution in Johor Bahru, Malaysia: a preliminary study of mitigation measures for urban heat island in the tropics, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.919-920, Toyama, Japan, Sep.
- Jeong, SW., Kubota, T., Toe, DHC., Ossen DR. (2010) A survey of household energy consumption in Johor Bahru, Malaysia: energy saving strategies for reducing usage of air-conditioners in the tropics, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.675-676, Toyama, Japan, Sep.
- Sakamoto, K., Kubota, T. (2010) Comparison of assessment tools for sustainable architecture in India and Hong Kong, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.1191-1192, Toyama, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Jeong, S., Toe, DHC., Ossen DR. (2010) Usage patterns of household appliances and energy-saving effects by reducing air-conditioning in residential buildings of Malaysia, Proceedings of the 41th Research Meeting (Spring), Japan Society of Civil Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, 5-6 June.
- Kubota, T., Toe, DHC. (2009) Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia: a comparison of thermal environment evaluation using ACS and SET*, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D2, pp.511-512, Tohoku, Japan, Sep.
- Kubota, T. and Ossen DR. (2009) Spatial characteristics of urban heat island in Johor Bahru city, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium of South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 25-26 Feb.
- Kubota, T., Toe, DHC., Supian Ahmad and Mohd. Hamdan Ahmad (2008) Night ventilation for Malaysian terraced houses, passive cooling methods for reducing air-conditioning in the tropics, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Institute Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 26-27 Feb.
- Toe, DHC., Kubota, T., Supian Ahmad and Mohd. Hamdan Ahmad (2007) Assessment of thermal comfort in Malaysian terraced houses under night-ventilated condition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Built Environment in Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2007), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 3-4 Dec.
- Kubota, T. and Supian Ahmad (2007) Usage patterns for air-conditioners and windows in residential areas in Johor Bahru City, Malaysia, Proceedings of the Malaysia-Japan International Symposium on Advanced Technology 2007, Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-15 Nov.
- Kubota, T. and Supian Ahmad (2007) Questionnaire survey on usage for air-conditioners and windows in residential areas in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar of JSPS-VCC, Group VII, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 9-12 Sep.
- Toe, DHC., Kubota, T., Supian Ahmad and Mohd. Hamdan Ahmad (2007) A field experiment on the cooling effect of night ventilation in Malaysian Terraced Houses, Proceedings of the 3rd Postgraduate Seminar, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 3 Sep (Best paper award).
- Nakajima, S., Tsujihara, M., Kubota, T. and Hosoi, A. (2007) A survey on the thermal environment of two terraced houses in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Proceedings of research meetings at local chapters (Kyusyu), No.46, pp.305-308, Japan, March. (in Japanese)
- Supian Ahmad, Ho, C.S. and Kubota, T. (2007) Towards developing international degree program, a case study of the Shibaura Institute of Technology—Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Hybrid Twinning Program, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education, Hong Kong, 11-13 Jul.
- Kubota, T. (2006) Energy-saving strategies in Malaysian residential areas: usage of air-conditioners and windows, Proceedings of the Seminar in Tokyo Academic, Industry & Cultural Integration Tour 2006, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan, Dec.
- Miura, M., Kubota, T., Tominaga, Y. and Mochida, A. (2006) The standards of gross buildings coverage ratio in consideration of wind flow, Paper for the Symposium on the Urban Ventilation/Wind Flow and Wind Corridor, the 15th Symposium on the Air Environment, pp. 55-62, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T. (2005) Present state and future challenges on urban environment in Malaysia, Paper for Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Kinki University, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T. and Supian Ahmad (2004) Measurement of the wind flow in residential areas of Johor Bahru metropolitan city: toward planning guidelines for energy saving city in Malaysia, Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Dynamics of Urban Society: Towards Achieving Sustainable Quality of Life, PJ Hilton, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May.
- Kubota, T. (2003) Residents' consciousness for sunshine in commercial districts, Paper for the Symposium on the Sunshine Issues in the Apartment Houses of Commercial Districts, AIJ, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Miura M. et al. (2003) Results of the long term survey and the survey of summer on the indoor thermal environment: examine on the achievement of design intention of MIZUHO day care center for handicapped children based on the field survey part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.935-936, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Nisiguchi, T., Miura, M., Kubota T. et al. (2003) Results of the survey of winter on the indoor thermal environment: examine on the achievement of design intention of MIZUHO day care center for handicapped children based on the field survey part 2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.937-938, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Inokuma, S., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) Flow of a series of studies and field survey on the living environment by residents' action in the district with a planning of trunk road: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.863-864, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Seki, S., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) A field survey on the living environment by residents' action and a discussion with residents in the district with a planning of trunk road: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.865-866, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Hori, S., Miura, M. Kubota, T. et al. (2003) A field survey on the living environment with the residents' association in the housing complex LM: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 3, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.867-868, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Nishimura, Y., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) A field survey on illuminance of the streetlights, a questionnaire survey and a discussion with residents in the apartment house LM: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 4, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.869-870, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Sakurai, O., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) A study on the simplified generating method of the boundary condition of the ground surface for CFD simulation of the wind velocity and the temperature in the area of district scale: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 5, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.871-872, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Nakajima, T., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) Anticipation of the wind direction and the wind velocity by CFD simulation and the responses from the residents' association for the results in the apartment house LM: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 6, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.873-874, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Tsurumi, H., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) A field survey on the living environment by residents in the district with Gaikando: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 7, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.875-876, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Mizuno, A., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2003) A field survey on the living environment by residents and a discussion with residents in the district with Gaikando: a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 8, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.877-878, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Miura, M. Kubota, T. et al (2003) A questionnaire survey in residents' associations of the Kawaguchi city, summary of a series of studies and prospect in the future a study on the supporting method for improving own living environment based on the collaborative survey and making the living environmental map with the residents' association part 9, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.879-880, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Yamada. T, Miura, M. and Kubota, T. (2003) A survey on the residents' consciousness for the living environment in the apartment houses which are going to be replaced and the apartment houses which have been replaced, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.883-884, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T. and Miura, M. (2002) A study on the planning methods of residential areas in consideration of wind flow for a sustainable city: wind tunnel tests on the wind flow in the residential areas of Tokyo, Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental Planning 2002, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia, Sep.
- Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2002) Wind tunnel tests on the regional wind flow in the high-density areas in commercial districts, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.869-870, Kanazawa, Japan, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2002) A questionnaire survey for the self-governing body in the old Omiya city and selecting a self-governing body for the case study: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 1, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.891-892, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Nakajima, T., Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2002) A field survey on the noise and a wind tunnel test in the self-governing body of the Horinouchi district: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 2, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.893-894, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Mizuno, A., Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2002) A field survey on concentration of the nitrogen dioxide, traffic and illumination of the streetlight in the self-governing body of the Horinouchi district: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 3, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.895-896, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Inokuma, S., Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2002) A questionnaire survey and a discussion with residents in the self-governing body of the Horinouchi district: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 4, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.897-898, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Oyama, N., Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2002) A study on the literature concerning the measurements on a surface temperature in the exterior space: a study on the creation technique and its availability of the living environment map at a district scale based on a cooperation with the self-governing body part 5, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.899-900, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Kato, Y., Kubota, T. and Miura, M. (2002) A field survey on the noise and residents' consciousness along the elevated railroad of JR Musashino line, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.249-250, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Nishimura, Y., Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2002) Measurement on concentration of the nitrogen dioxide using small measuring capsules around arterial roads in Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.875-876, Kanazawa, Japan, Aug. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2001) Survey on awareness concerning actual state of opening-closing of residential windows in the commercial area near Kawaguchi station, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.183-184, Tokyo, Japan, Kanazawa, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Oyama, N., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2001) The wind tunnel tests in high-density areas which contain variously height buildings, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.649-650, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Inokuma, S., Kubota, T., Miura, M., et al. (2001) Measurement of the perpendicular distribution of sound level in the apartment houses on the platform building, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.143-144, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Nakajima, T., Miura, M., Kubota T. et al. (2001) Measurement of the sound level along elevated railroads in Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.261-262, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Ichikawa, T., Miura, M. and Kubota T. (2001) Examination of the creation technique and its availability of the environmental map of a district scale, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.917-918, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Yamada, T., Miura, M., and Kubota, T. (2001) Survey on awareness concerning actual states of urban infrastructures in five cities of Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.653-654, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T., Miura, M. et al. (2000) A survey on the background noise in the commercial area near Kawaguchi station for the promotion of urban residence, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.161-162, Utsunomiya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Ichikawa, T., Miura, M., Kubota, T. et al. (2000) Wind tunnel tests in residential areas which contain variously mixed mid and high-rise apartment houses, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.1153-1154, Utsunomiya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Yoshida, K., Miura, M. and Kubota, T. (2000) Inhabitant's consciousness and a survey of sunshine environment of multiple dwelling houses in commercial district, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.433-434, Utsunomiya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Nakajima, T., Kubota, T. and Miura, M. et al. (2000) Evaluation of sprawled residential areas based on survey for actual states of urban infrastructures in Saitama prefecture, Summary of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, AIJ, Vol.D1, pp.697-698, Utsunomiya, Japan, Sep. (in Japanese)
- Kubota, T. (2000) Field survey on the noise due to construction work of the high school in Saitama, Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the General Management Section of Saitama Prefecture Government, pp.1-53, Saitama, Japan, Mar. (in Japanese)