Impacts of COVID-19 on Transport, Logistics, Tourism, and Life, and Measures/Policies

Created on March 27, 2020

updated on April 30, 2020

2020年3月から、当研究室は、 WCTRS に協力し、COVID-19の影響の評価とそれを反映した緊急政策提言・長期的な戦略づくりの国際的活動を展開してきています。 ここ.

Now, the whole world is facing various challenges (e.g., lockdown, restrictions of trip making, closure of schools and businesses) from the COVID-19 pandemic, declared by WHO on March 11, 2020, when more than 125,300 cases (4,981 deaths) over the world and more than 81,000 cases (3,176 deaths) in China were identified. As of April 30 [Novemver 3], 2020 (, 3,193,961 [46,956,060] infected cases and 227,644 [1,207,768] deaths were confirmed. Such a threat to public health is actually not the first case in human history. The recent examples include the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2019, the Ebola hemorrhagic fever in West Africa in 2014, the H1N1 influenza virus in 2009, the 2005-2016 Zika fever, and SARS in 2003. However, it seems that our human society has not well learned the lessons we experienced in the past.

Here, both global and domestic information about the impacts of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on transport, logistics, tourism, and daily life as well as relevant policies/measures are summarized. The information will be updated.

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新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による影響に関する全国規模のアンケート調査 (1052人に聞きました)

本研究室(広島大学大学院 モビリティ・都市政策研究室)は2020年3月末に、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染拡大による人々の交通行動、生活行動、都市間移動、意識などに関するアンケート調査を実施した(日本全国各地、1052人回収、性別・年齢・地域のバランスに配慮)をまとめている。 以下はその結果の一部を示す。各種活動のキャンセル率が低くなく、経済的な打撃の大きさを物語っている。関連して、政府から活動自粛を幅広く要請しているなかで、活動自粛に努めると思うかについて尋ねたところ、“思う”と答えた方々は全体の55.5%(まあまあ思う:46.6%、非常に思う:14.9%” にとどまっていることも分かった。


Current Members of the WCTRS COVID-19 Task Force (COVID-TF)

タスクフォース 座長

  • 林良嗣:WCTRS 前会長、中部大学・教授、持続発展・スマートシティ国際研究センター長、ローマクラブ正会員・執行役員・日本支部長


  • 張峻屹:広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科・教授、アジア持続可能なモビリティプロジェクト研究センター長(ASMO)

タスクフォース 顧問

  • Tae Oum:WCTRS現会長、カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学(UBC)・名誉教授
  • Werner Rothengatter:WCTRS元会長、ドイツ・カールスルーエ工科大学・名誉教授


1) Junyi Zhang, Co-Chair of WCTRS COVID-TF

2) Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi , Chair of WCTRS COVID-TF

Supporting members in Junyi Zhang’s team

Dr. Assoc. Prof. Saori Kashima provided data sources on COVID-19.

Dr. Assis. Prof. Runsen Zhang made the web page of the energy sector.

Dr. Linghan Zhang made the web page about tourism.

Ms. Jenny Yamamoto has helped collect information about border transport, urban transport, and other impacts on daily life. She already helped make a proofing of the WCTRS Appeal.

Dr. Canh Do and Dr. Assis. Prof. Nguyen Hong provided ASEAN countries related data.

Ms. Shuangjin Li has conducted a research on the impacts of inter/intra-city network structures on the spread of COVID-19 in China: Ma S., Li, S., Ma, S., and Zhang, J. (corresponding author): Impacts of Inter/Intra-City Network Structures on the Spread of COVID-19 and Spatial Differences. Management World [in Chinese]

Mr. Hongxianbg Ding, Ms. Shuangjin Li, and Ms. Siying Huang and Wenhui Huang as well as Mr. Xiaoquan Wang have collected information about China.

Mr. Baraa ALHAKIM made the web page about the built environment, and improved the design of the whole websites of our lab, and has collected information about the middle East.

Ms. RATU VEBY RENITA, Mr. Setyo NUGROHO, and Ms. MASLAHATUN NASHIHA have helped collect information about Indonesia.

Ms. Ei Mon Pyone has helped collect information about Myanmar.

Mr. Naseem Akhtar has collected information about Pakistan.

Mr. Mir Muhammad Kamrul Hasan has collected information about Bangladesh.

Mr. Virakvichetra Lon has helped collect information about Cambodia.

Mr. Latsayakone Pholsena has helped collect information about Laos.

Mr. Hiroki Yoshida has started his research on the impacts of COVID-19 on the transport and logistics in the Mekong Sug-region.