Ongoing Research on COVID-19 in our lab


広島大学大学院「モビリティ・都市政策研究室」は2020年3月に全国規模のアンケート調査を実施し、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による影響について、1052人に聞きました。, at the end of March 2020: probably the first survey in all disciplines and in all geographical territories to investigate changes in various life aspects, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

[Preferred Citation] Zhang, Junyi, How Did People Respond to the Covid-19 Pandemic During its Early Stage? A Case Study in Japan (May 7, 2020). Available at SSRN:

Our lab implemented a nation-wide questionnaire survey about the impacts of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on transport and life in Japan in March 2020. In this survey, we asked 1052 respondents (from the whole Japan) to report changes in their daily activity-travel behavior, long-distance trips, other life activities before and after the Coronavirus event (between January and March), as well as their attitudes/opinions. Some preliminary results (1052 persons from the whole country) are shown below.

  • 各種活動のキャンセル率について、外食、鉄道(国内)とほかの国内移動の20-30%台以外、ほかはすべて40%を超えています。海外観光旅行、コンサートとスポーツ観戦のキャンセル率は6割近いです。このように、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大による経済的な打撃の大きさを物語っています。
Changes in Japanese people’s lives before and after the COVID-19 outbreak (between January and March, 2020)
  • 新型コロナウイルスについて、ほとんどの人は、政府やマスメディアなどを通じて報じられている知識を有しています。新型コロナウイルスに対して高い関心を有していることが分かりました。
  • 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大について、人々は主にテレビとSNSを通じて情報を入手しています:一日最大でそれぞれ64分と22分を費やしています。
  • 新型コロナウイルスに関する各種情報源の信頼性について、最も高いと思っているのは医療機関(57.1%)、その次は地方自治体による発表情報(56.3%)である。地方自治体による発表情報は中央政府のそれの信頼性より(54.3%)高いです。情報の信頼性が最も低いのは職場・学校です。
  • 約8割の人は、日本全体の感染リスクが高まっていると思っていますが、自分の近所での感染リスクが高まっていると思っているのは2割程度です。一方、自分が居住する都道府県において感染リスクが高まっていると思っているのは6割強であるのに対して、自分が新型コロナウイルスにかかる可能性が非常に高いと思っているのは3割程度です。
  • 政府から活動自粛を幅広く要請しているなかで、活動自粛に努めると思うかについて尋ねたところ、“思う”と答えた方々は全体の55.5%(まあまあ思う:46.6%、非常に思う:14.9%” にとどまっていることも分かりました。
  • More than half of the people think that (1)the government’s current spread measures are likely to cause short-term economic stagnation in Japan’s economy (69.3%), (2) they are very much worried, if the COVID-19 is widespread in Japan, looking at the government’s current responses (63.7%), (3)the Japanese government should be more accountable (62.0%), and (4)the Japanese government should take nationwide measures more thoroughly (56.2%).
  • Less than 30% think that the Japanese government’s current outbreak control measures have a significant effect on reducing the risk of infection throughout Japan.
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を防ぐにあたり、ただ2割程度の人々は、中央政府と地方政府を信頼し、その情熱を感じ、管理体制や対策ができていると思っています。
  • 日本政府と地方政府について、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大を防ぐために十分な知識を有していると思っている人々はそれぞれ全体の18%と15%しかいません。
  • 感染拡大を防ぐにあたり、日本の保健・医療機関を信頼できると思っているのは全体の約4割です。

The Second-wave of the Retrospective Panel Survey

In the first retrospective panel survey implemented in March 2020, we asked 1,050 respondents from the whole Japan to report changes in their lives between January and March. In the second retrospective panel survey, we asked these 1,050 respondents to participate again and refreshed samples because of drop-out. The survey will be finished soon: the target sample size is 2,000 respondents.


  • Three papers on the spread of COVID-19 in China associated with regional/urban/transport planning and the built environment are under review.

Policymaking methodology

  • Junyi Zhang (2020) Transport policymaking that accounts for COVID-19 and future public health threats: A PASS approach. Transport Policy, 99, 405-418.
    • The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has had wide-reaching and unprecedented impacts on the transport sector worldwide. At present, there is no globally agreed timeframe for when this pandemic will end. The current and near-future potential impacts must be addressed in a relatively comprehensive and seamless way. The present study proposed a PASS (P: Prepare–Protect–Provide; A: Avoid–Adjust; S: Shift–Share; S: Substitute–Stop) approach for policymaking that accounts for COVID-19 and future public health threats. The PASS approach was illustrated conceptually, and then policy measures were recommended by referring to the past and ongoing best practices. Policymaking challenges and research issues were discussed.

Comparisons of Policy Measures in Asia

The infections in Asia are becoming more and more serious. For example, as of October 30, 2020, the accumulative infections in South-East Asia already exceeded 9.0 million, which are still showing a rapid growth trend. This study compares transport related policy measures for addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Pakistan, Vietnam), and examines how policy measures are associated with the spread of the pandemic in different countries.

International Airlines

We are comparing the impacts of COVID-19 on countries with high dependence on tourism and examining the effects of various policy measures by considering inter-nation interactions.

Long-term Impacts and Roadmaps

We are investigating long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the transport sector and roadmaps for recovery from the current COVID-19 pandemic, based on international comparisons.

The Mekong Subregion

Research is ongoing, linked with the research”Cross-border Regional Development with Diverse Connectivity in Asian Developing Countries“, supported by JSPS.