Zollet, Simona; Maharjan, Keshav L. 2021. “Resisting the vineyard invasion: Anti-pesticide movements as a vehicle for territorial food democracy and just sustainability transitions”, Journal of Rural Studies. Accepted June 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.06.020 (IF 2020: 3.54)
Moahid, M., Khan, G.D., Yoshida, Y., Joshi, N. P. and Maharjan, K.L. 2021. “Agricultural Credit and Extension Services: Does Their Synergy Augment Farmers’ Economic Outcomes?” Sustainability2021, 13(7), 3758; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073758 (IF 2020: 251)
Moahid, M. and Maharjan, K. L. 2021. “Characteristics and challenges of formal agricultural credit in Afghanistan: What potential policy can increase participation?”, Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society, Hiroshima University, Vol. 11:19-37, 2021-3.
Zollet, Simona; Maharjan, Keshav L. 2021. “Overcoming the Barriers to Entry of Newcomer Sustainable Farmers: Insights from the Emergence of Organic Clusters in Japan” Sustainability13, no. 2: 866. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13020866 (IF 2019: 2.576)
Moahid, M., Khan, G.D., Yoshida, Y., Maharjan, K.L. and Wafa, I.K. 2021. “What Farmers Expect from the Proposed Formal Agricultural Credit Policy: Evidence from a Randomized Conjoint Experiment in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan” Agricultural Finance Review (2021.1 online first) (IF 2019: 1.19) https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-10-2020-0152
Zollet, Simona; Maharjan, Keshav L., 2020. “Marchéas a Place for Interaction between Organic Producers and Local Consumers: A Study of Hiroshima Prefecture” Journal of Rural Problems, 56 (4), pp. 143-150. https://doi.org/10.7310/arfe.56.143
Yoshida Y., Lee, H. S., Trung, B. H., Tran, H. D., Maharjan, K. L., Kakar, K. and Xuan, T. D., 2020. “Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams on Fisheries and Agriculture in Lower Mekong Basin”. Journal of Sustainability (IF 2019: 2.576)
Moahid, M. and Maharjan, K.L., 2020. “An Exploration of the Informal Credit Practices for Agriculture in Afghanistan: Reasons for Availing Informal and not Availing Formal Credit”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 26 (1&2): pp. 95-108.
Moahid, M. and Maharjan, K.L., 2020. “The Role of Credit Obtained from Input Suppliers in Farm Investment in Afghanistan”, Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society, Hiroshima University, Vol. 10:1-16, 2020-3.
Moahid, M.; Maharjan, K.L. 2020. “Factors Affecting Farmers’ Access to Formal and Informal Credit: Evidence from Rural Afghanistan”. Sustainability2020, 12, 1268 (MDPI article no. 1268). (IF 2019: 2.576)
Maharjan, S.K. and Maharjan, K.L., 2020. “Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): A Systematic Assessment and Analysis of Policies/plans and Practices in South Asia, Particularly Focusing on Nepal and India”, Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society, Hiroshima University, Vol. 10:17-30, 2020-3.
Mahama, Tiah Abdul-Kabiru and Maharjan K. L., 2019. “Determining the nature and spatial-temporal changes of the livelihood asset pentagon and its relationship with livelihood opportunities in Ghana”, Community Development, 50-4; 460-483. WOS:000510247000006 DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2019.1642929 (IF 2019: 0.883)
Maharjan, S.K. and Maharjan, K.L., 2019. “Exploring perceptions and influences of local stakeholders on climate change adaptation in Central and Western Nepal”, Climate and Development, September 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2019.1664377 (Impact factor 2019: 2.311)
Maharjan, K. L. 2019. Marketing and Trade of Agricultural Produce in India and Nepal, in Maharjan, K. L. and Kawai A. ed. Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Indian Subcontinent and Prospective of Trade with Japan, Chiba: The Open University of Japan. Pp. 1-17.
Singh, M., Maharjan, K. L. and Bhattarai, R. K. 2019. Value Chain Analysis of Potato in Nepal: Current Practice and Perception of Producers and Traders, in Maharjan, K. L. and Kawai A. ed. Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Indian Subcontinent and Prospective of Trade with Japan, Chiba: The Open University of Japan. Pp. 55-69.
Sundas, B. and Maharjan, K. L. 2019. Fruits and Vegetables Market in India: Policies, Commission Agents and Farmers, in Maharjan, K. L. and Kawai A. ed. Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Indian Subcontinent and Prospective of Trade with Japan, Chiba: The Open University of Japan. Pp. 31-44. Pp.
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan, K. L. and Dangol, D. R., 2019. Local level socio-economic impacts and responses to the earthquakes 2015: A case of Kirtipur Municipality. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management. Vol. 6, Issue-1: 17-27. DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v6i1.22563.
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2018. Choices of research methodologies in the climate change adaptation in agriculture: A systematic review. Sustainable Agriculture Research, Volume 7(4), pp. 92-102.
Mahama, Tiah Abdul-Kabiru and Maharjan K. L., 2018. Generalised Ordered Model for Conceptualising and Ascertaining the Determinants of Livelihood Satisfaction in Ghana. Journal of Happiness Studies. Volume19(4), pp 1195-1216. (first online: 2017-3-11. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-017-9868-8 (Impact Factor 2019: 2.344)
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2018. Roles and contributions of community seed banks in climate adaptation in Nepal. Development in Practice. Volume 28 (2), pp. 292-302. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2018.1418838 (SCImago journal & Country Rank – SJR = 0.3) & RG Journal Impact = 0.75)
Cherrier, J., Maharjan, S. K. & Maharjan, K. L., 2018. Shifting cultivation: Misconception of the Asian governments. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 24 (1&2): pp. 71-82.
Maharjan, K. L. and Sundas, B. 2018. Agricultural produce marketing committee and wholesale markets in Delhi, in Maharjan, K. L. ed. Development of Food Marketing System in Indian Subcontinent and its Possibilities of Trade Links with Japan, Hiroshima: Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, pp. 24-38.
Sundas B. and Maharjan, K. L. 2018. Understanding the dynamics of fruit and vegetable prices in Siliguri and nearby markets, in Maharjan, K. L. ed. Development of Food Marketing System in Indian Subcontinent and its Possibilities of Trade Links with Japan, Hiroshima: Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, pp. 96-110.
Maharjan, K. L., Singh, M. and Shrestha, R. P. 2018. Marketing dynamics of vegetables in Kathmandu valley Nepal 2017, in Maharjan, K. L. ed. Development of Food Marketing System in Indian Subcontinent and its Possibilities of Trade Links with Japan, Hiroshima: Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, pp. 117-132.
Joshi, N.P.,Piya, L., Maharjan, K.L. and Tamang, D.T. 2018. North-south agricultural trade dependence in Nepal and reliance on import, in Maharjan, K. L. ed. Development of Food Marketing System in Indian Subcontinent and its Possibilities of Trade Links with Japan, Hiroshima: Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, pp. 24-38.
Dangol, D. R., Maharjan, K. L., Maharjan, S. K., Joshi, B. K., 2017. Agrobiodiversity in education systems in Nepal. Proceedings of 2nd National Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources (CUAPGR), pp. 184-194.
Dangol, D. R., Maharjan, K. L., Maharjan, S. K., Acharya, A. K., 2017. Wild edible plants of Nepal. Proceedings of 2nd National Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Plant Genetic Resources (CUAPGR), pp. 390-407.
Shrestha, Ranjan Prakash and Maharjan, K. L., 2017. Climatic Change and Indigenous Knowledge and Practices with Reference to Traditional Water Resource Management in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 24 (1): pp. 17-24.
Goshima Naoka and Maharjan, K. L., 2017. Comparative Study of Household Economy and Food Security in Timor-Leste: A Case Study of Acumau and Mertuto Villages. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 24 (1): pp.1-16.
Mahama, Tiah Abdul-Kabiru and Maharjan K. L., 2017. Determinants of livelihood diversification in Ghana from the national livelihood strategies and spatial perspective. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 23 (2): pp. 75-90.
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2017. Riverbed Farming as source of Income, Family Nutrition and Food Security for Landless and Poor Farmers in Terai Region of Nepal. Scientia Recerca: Innovative Techniques in Agriculture, Volume 2(1), pp. 316-319.
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2017. Community seed banks in Nepal: Prospects and challenges from the perspective of climate change adaptation. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Volume 43(3), pp.221-227.
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2017. Participatory assessment of livelihood resources and adaptations to climate change in Madi Valley of Chitwan district, Nepal. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, Volume 3, pp. 1-20.
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2017. Indigenous peoples, indigenous knowledge and issues of indigenous peoples on climate change, particularly on REDD+ in developing countries. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 5(3), pp. 272-283. (Cosmos Impact Factor (2015) = 4.215 & ICV = 56.52)
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., 2017. State of climate policies, plans/strategies and factors affecting its implementation in Nepal. International Journal of Conservation Science, 8(3), pp. 485-496. ((SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) = 0.24 & Index Copernicus Value (ICV) = 85.43)
Maharjan, S. K., Maharjan K. L., Tiwari, U. and Sen, N. P. 2017. Participatory vulnerability assessment of climate change impacts in Madi Valley of Chitwan District, Nepal. Cogent OA Food and Agriculture, Volume 3(1). 3:1310078, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2017.1310078
Maharjan, Shree Kumar and Maharjan K. L., 2017. Review of Climate Policies and Roles of Institutions in the Policy Formulation and Implementation of Adaptation Plans and Strategies in Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 23 (1): pp. 41-54.
Maharjan, S. K. & Maharjan, K. L., 2016. 2016. Systematic review of the research on climate change adaptation policies and practices in the least developed countries with special reference to Nepal. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, 61-67.
Shrestha, Ranjan Prakash and Maharjan, K. L., 2016. Traditional Water Resource Use and Adaptation Efforts in Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 22 (1): pp. 47-58.
Piya, L., Joshi, N.P., and Maharjan, K.L., 2015. Vulnerability of Chepang households to climate change and extremes in the Mid-Hills of Nepal. Climatic Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-015-1572-2. [Available at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-015-1572-2] ( IF 2019: 4.134)
Islam, M. A. and Maharjan, K. L., 2015. “Farmers Land Tenure Arrangements and Technical Efficiency of Growing Crops in Some Selected Upazilas of Bangladesh”, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research, 40 (3): 347-361.
Mrinila Singh, M., Maharjan, K. L. and Maskey, B., 2015.”Factors impacting adoption of organic farming in Chitwan district of Nepal.” Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 5(1), 1-12.IF 0.425(2012)
Singh, M. & Maharjan, K. L. 2015. “Local Organic Market in Urban and Semi-Urban Areas of Nepal: A Case Study of Kathmandu valley and Chitwan district”. Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society 5, pp.39-49.
Shrestha, Ranjan Prakash, Maharjan, K. L. and Rajbhandari, T., 2015. “A Comparative Study of the Economic and Social Status of Women in Jyapu Community in Lalitpur and Bhaktapur Districts of Nepal”. Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society 5, pp.51-63.
Islam, M. A. and Maharjan, K. L. 2014. “Profitability of Crop Cultivation under Different Land Tenural Arrangements in some Selected Sites of Bangladesh”, Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research, 39 (3): 447-460.
Chaudhary, B.R., Maharjan, K.L., and Barsila, S.R. 2014. “Food Security Situation Analysis of Freed-Bonded Labourers (Mukta Kamaiya) in Nepal”, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (GJSFR:D), 14 (5): 9-20.
Issahaku, Z. A. and Maharjan, K. L. (2014) “Crop substitution behavior among food crop farmers in Ghana: an efficient adaptation to climate change or costly stagnation in traditional agricultural production system?” Agricultural and Food Economics 2:16 http://www.agrifoodecon.com/content/2/1/16 open access journal. doi:10.1186/s40100-014-0016-z
Khanal, N.P. and Maharjan, K.L. 2014. “Role of Organizational Governance in Household Level Economic Indicators: Evidence from Community-Based Rice Seed Production of Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 20(3): 13-28.
Singh, M., Maharjan, K. L. and Maskey, B. 2014. “Socioeconomic Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Farmers in Chitwan District of Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 20(3): 45-55.
Zhumanova, Munavar, Maharjan, K. L. and Orozumbekov, A. 2014. “The Benefits and Challenges of Farming in Mixed Crop-Livestock Production Systems 1 in Ala-Buka, Kyrgyzstan”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 20(3): 57-70.
Seitova M. and Maharjan, K. L. 2014. “Impact of Mass Media on Agricultural Development”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 20(3): 71-85.
Chowdhury, M. H., Mamun, A. A. and Maharjan, K. L. 2014. “Rural Sanitation Situation in Bangladesh: Some Experiences and Issues”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 20(3): 87-94.
Khanal, N.P. and Maharjan, K.L. 2014. “Socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of soil conservation practices under rice-wheat system in the tarai region of Nepal”. International Journal of Social Sustainability in Economic, Social and Environmental Context, Vol. 9. ISSN: 2325-1115.
Khanal, N.P. and Maharjan, K.L. 2013. “Factors influencing households’ behavior in selling rice seed in the market”. Agriculture and Food Economics, Springer Open, 1-14.
Shrestha. S.L., Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Climate Change Vulnerability of Farmers at Local Level in Nepal. Cases of Chitlang and Namsaling VDCs” Journal of Rural Problems, Vol. 49(2), pp. 347-350
Sutiyo and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs implemented under Decentralization in Indonesia, Case Study of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Central Java Province”, Journal of Rural Problems, Vol. 49(2), pp. 351-355.
Issahaku, Zakaria Amidu and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Assessing Climate Threat to Food Crop Production in Ghana”, Journal of Rural Problems, Vol. 49(1), pp. 143-147.
Khanal, N.P. and Maharjan K. L. 2013. Technical Efficiency of Rice Seed Growers in the Tarai Region of Nepal. Journal of Rural Problems, Vol. 49(1), pp. 27-31.
Piya, L., Maharjan, K. L. and Joshi, N. P. 2013. “Determinants of Adaptation Practices to Climate Change by Chepang Households in Rural Mid-Hills of Nepal”. Regional Environmental Change, 13(2): 437-447.DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0359-5. (IF 2019: 3.481)
Issahaku, Z. A. and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Impact of Climate Variables on Revenue of Major Food Crops in Ghana: Ricardian Cross-Sectional Analysis”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 5-16.
Khanal, N.P. and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Socio-economic Determinants for the Adoption of Improved Rice Varieties in the Tarai Region of Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 17-28.
Zhumanova, Munavar, Issahaku, Z. A. and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Effects of Seasonal Changes and Forage Availability on Milk Yield of Cows among Smallholder Households in Ala-Buka, Kyrgyzstan”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 29-36.
Singh, Mrinila and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Prospect of Farmers in Generating Additional Income Through Organic Vegetable Farming: A case Study in Kathmandu Valley and Chitwan District of Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 37-49.
Sutiyo and Maharjan, K. L. 2013 “Capacity Of Rural Institutions in Implementing Decentralized Development In Indonesia, Case of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Central Java”, Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 51-68.
Nayak, Bibhu Prasad and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Climate Variability, Local Environmental Changes and Rural Livelihood Systems: A Case Study of Three Coastal Villages in India”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 69-88.
Kubakaeva, Nazgul and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Co-operation of Local Communities in Kyrgyzstan for Betterment of Rural Development: Case Study in Issyk-Kul Oblast”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 89-106.
Gosh, Ashoke Kumar and Maharjan, K. L. 2013. “Kitchen Gardening Practices through People’s Participation: An Action Research Project of three Marginalized bagdi Villages in Bangladesh”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(4): 107-120.
Sutiyo and Maharjan, K. L. 2012. “Decentralized System and Budget Allocation for Rural Development in Indonesia, A Case Study of Purbalingga District, Central Java Province”, Journal of Rural Economics Special Issue, 2012, pp. 403-409.
Chaudhury, B. R. and Maharjan, K. L. 2012. ‘Von der Schuldknechtschaft in die Armut: Die Situation von Mukta Kamaiya zehn Jahre nach ihrer “Befreiung” (Bonded Laborer in Poverty: The Situation of Mukta Kamaiya Ten Years after their “Liberation”)’. SuDasien, 32. Jahrgang, Nr. 3-4, pp. 94-97. (German)
Singh, M., Maharjan, K.L., Dangol, D.R. “Food security through organic agriculture: A global and national perspective”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18 (4): 3-10.
Khanal, N.P., Maharjan, K. L. and Sapkota, A. 2012. “Technical efficiency in wheat seed production: a case study from Tarai region of Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 19(1): 41-50.
Singh, M., Maharjan, K.L. 2012. “Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Perspectives”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 19 (1): 51- 53.
Khanal, N.P., Maharjan, K.L. and Dangol, D. 2012. “Soil conservation practices for sustainability of rice-wheat system in Nepal: A review”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(4): 11- 20.
Joshi, N.P., Maharjan, K.L., and Piya, L. 2012. “Understanding the relationship between climate change and poverty in Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(4), Special Issue: 21-35.
Shrestha, S. L., Maharjan, K.L., and Joshi, N.P. 2012. “Relationship Between Climate Change Variables and Yield of Food Crops in Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(4), Special Issue: 37-54.
Piya, L., Maharjan, K.L., and Joshi, N.P. 2012. “Comparison of Adaptive Capacity and Adaptation Practices in Response to Climate Change and Extremes among the Chepang Households in Rural of Mid-Hills Nepal”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(4), Special Issue: 55-75.
Sutiyo and Maharjan, K. L. (2012), “Community Participation in Decentralized Rural Development: A Case Study of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Indonesia”, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 18 (3), pp. 99-110.
Zhumanova, Munavar and Maharjan, K. L. 2012. “Trends in Livestock Population and Composition through Derived Productivity in Kyrgyzstan: A Case Study in Ala-Buka district”. Journal of International Development and Cooperation 18(3): 159-176.
Joshi, N. P., Maharjan, K. L. and Piya L., (2012), Determinants of Income and Consumption Poverty in Far-Western Rural Hills of Nepal – A Binary Logistic Regression Analysis, Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society, Volume 2: 51-61.
Piya, L., Maharjan, K.L., and Joshi, N.P. (2012), Perceptions and Realities of Climate Change among the Chepang Communities in the Rural Mid-Hills of Nepal. Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society, Volume 2: 35-50.
Sutiyo & Maharjan, K.L. (2012), Community Participation in Decentralized Rural Development: A Case Study of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Indonesia, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18.3
Sutiyo & Maharjan, K.L. (2011). Rural Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia: Programs and the Implementation Gap, Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18.1
Joshi, N. P., Maharjan, K. L., and Piya, L. 2011. Effect of climate variables on yield of major food crops in Nepal: A time-series analysis. Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society. Vol. 1: 19-26.
Joshi, N. P., Maharjan, K. L., and Piya, L. 2011. Effect of climate variables on yield of major food crops in Nepal: A time-series analysis. Journal of Contemporary India Studies: Space and Society. Vol. 1: 19-26.
Joshi, N. P., Maharjan, K. L., and Piya, L. 2011. Production economics of rice in different development regions of Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation. Vol. 17 (1): 103: 112.
Maharjan, K. L. and Joshi, N. P. 2011. Determinants of household food insecurity in Nepal: A binary logistic regression analysis. Journal of Mountain Studies. Vol. 8(3): 403-413. (IF 2019: 1.550)
Piya, L., Maharjan, K. L. and Joshi, N. P. 2011. Forest and food security of indigenous people: A case of Chepangs in Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation. Vol. 17 (1): 113-135.
Piya, L., Maharjan, K. L. and Joshi, N. P. 2011. Livelihood strategies of indigenous nationalities in Nepal: A case of Chepangs. Journal of International Development and Cooperation. Vol. 17 (2): 99-114.
Piya, L., Maharjan, K. L., Joshi, N. P. Dangol, D. R. 2011. Collection and marketing of non-timber forest products by the Chepang community in Chitwan district of Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, Vol. 12: 10-21.
Khanal N.P. and Maharjan K.L. 2010. Sustainability of community-based seed production enterprises in Nepal: institutional issues. Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, vol 10: 33-40.
Maharjan, K. L., Joshi, N. P. 2010. Relationship between income-poverty and food insecurity in Rural Far-western Mid-hills of Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies, Vol. 7 (1): 59-70.
Joshi, Niraj Prakash, Keshav Lall Maharjan, and Luni Piya, 2010. “Poverty and Food Insecurity in Nepal: A Review,” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 1-19.
Manatsha, Boga Thura and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2010. “The Politics of Land Question in North Eastern Botswana in the Context of Sothern Africa,” The Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 128-138.
Manatsha, Boga Thura and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2010. “The Land Question and Colonial Legacy in North-Eastern Botswana,” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp 129-152.
Piya, Luni and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2009. “Protracted People’s War in Nepal: An Analysis From the Perspective of Azar’s Theory of Protracted Social Conflict,” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 15, No. 1-2, pp. 185-203.
Manatsha, Boga Thura and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2009., “Fancy Figures and Ugly Facts in Botswana’s Rapid Economic Growht,” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 15, No. 1-2, pp. 19-46.
Joshi, Niraj Prakash and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2008. “A Study on Rural Poverty Using Inequality Decomposition in Western Hills of Nepal: A Case of Gulmi District,” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 1-17.
Maharjan, Pancha Narayan and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2008. “Peace Negotiation in Nepal.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol 14, No1, pp. 67-101.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Narendra Mangal Joshi 2007. “Study on Food Balance in Central Hills of Nepal.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 184-189.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Niraj Prakash Joshi, 2007. “Rural Poverty Analysis of Baitadi District in Nepal: An Inequality Decomposition Analysis.” Nepalese Journal of Development and Rural Studies, Vol 4, No. 2, pp. 16-35.
Khatri-Chhetri, Arun, Narendra Mangal Joshi and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2007. “Intervention on Livelihood Management through Community Based Organizations: Evidence from rural Nepal.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Volume 13, No.1, 187-208.
Joshi, Niraj Prakash and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2007. “Assessment of Food Self-Sufficiency and Food Security Situation in Nepal.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Volume 13, No.1, pp. 209-230.
Joshi, Narendra Mangal and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2007. “Institutional Changes in Forest Resource Management and Changes in Forest Coverage in Nepal.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation Volume 13, No. 1, pp. 231-252.
Khatri-Chhetri, Arun and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2006. “Food Insecurity and Coping Strategies in Rural Areas of Nepal: A Case Study of Dailekh District in Mid Western Development Region.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Volume 12, No.2, pp. 25-45.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Arun Khatri-Chhetri, 2006. “Role of Forests in Household Food Security: Evidence from Rural Areas of Nepal.” Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography, Vol.15, pp. 1-28.
Hayashi Y., K. L. Maharjan and H. Kumagai, 2005. “Feeding Traits, Nutritional Status and Milk Production of Dairy Cattle and Buffalo in Small-scale Farmers in Terai, Nepal.” Asian-Australasian journal of Animal Sciences. Vol. 19, pp. 189-197. (IF 2019: 1.664)
Sulastri, Endang and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2005. “Milk Marketing and Consumption Pattern in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 12, No.1, pp.89-106.
Fradejas, Carlos C. and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2005. “Role of Cooperative in Improving the Accessibility to Credit of Backyard Pig Raisers in Batangas, Philippines.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 63-88.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Arun K. C., 2005. “A Study on Food Self-Sufficiency at Household Level in Nepal.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 230-235.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall, 2005. “Peasantry and Food Procurement in a Subsistence Village in Farwest Montane Chhetri Land of Nepal.” Himalayan Journal of Sociology & Anthropology Vol. 2, pp. 73-98.
Singh, Manjeshwori and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2005. “Dairy Production and Its Implication in Household Income in Nepal.” Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 213-241.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Carlos C. Fradejas, 2005. “A Study of the Problems Confronting the Backyard Pig Raisers in Batangas Province of Southern Luzon.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 236-241.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall, 2005. “Issues of Nepal-India Trade: A Nepalese Perspective.” Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography, Vol.14, pp. 69-92. (Japanese)
Maharjan, Keshav Lall, 2005. “Community participation in forest resource management in Nepal.” Journal of Mountain Science Volume 2, No.1, pp. 32-41. (IF 2019: 1.550)
Sulastri, Endang and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2005. “Dairying and Its Contribution to Farm Economy in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Volume 11, No.1, pp. 141-161.
Bhusal, Yuba Raj and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2004. “Poverty Reduction Efforts in the Socio-economic Development Process of Nepal.” The Economic Journal of Nepal, Volume 27, No. 3, pp. 127-142.
Maonga, Beston B. and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2004. “Analysis of Traditional Pest Management Practices in Malawi: Case Study of Mbwadzulu EPA.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 143-148.
Recio Bucardo, Juan Carlos and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2004. “Implementation of the Nicaraguan SGPRS at the Local Level: The Case of the Municipality of San Ramon.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 154-159.
Hayashi Y., K. L. Maharjan and H. Kumagai, 2004. “Milk production and nutritional status of dairy cattle and buffaloes of small-scale farms in Terai regions of Nepal.” Proceedings of 11th AAP Congress 2004, Vol. II, pp. 30-33. (Asian-Australasian journal of Animal Sciences)
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Gosh, Ashoke Kumar and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2004. “Development of Dairy Cooperative and Its Impacts on Milk Production and Household Income: A Study on Bangladesh Milk Producers’ Cooperative Union Limited.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 87-101.
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Maonga, Beston B. and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2003. “Building on Smallholder Traditional Farming Practices to Enhance Cost-effective Land Resources Conservation in Malawi: A Case Study of Sangadzi Area.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 11-31.
Takahatake, Takashi and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2003. “The Effects of Altitude on Crop Farming and Cash Crop Use in Ilam District: Some Implications for Agricultural Policy.” Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 21-50.
Gosh, Ashoke Kumar and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2003. “Cooperative Services for Dairy Development in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of Cooperative and Non-cooperative Villages.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol.39, No. 1, pp. 112-117.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall and Toshinobu Miki, 2003. “A Study on Cashcrop Farming and Farm Household Economy in Montane Area of Western Nepal: Focusing on Food Security.” Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography, Vol. 12, pp. 135-158. (Japanese)
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Abdullah, Rashid and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2003. “Critical Elements of Supplier Development in The Malaysian Automobile Industry: Parts and Component Procurement and Supplier Development Practice at Proton.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Volume 9, No.2, pp. 65-87.
Maharjan, Keshav Lall, 2002. “Salient Features of Farming in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal.” in Acharya, S. S., Surjit Singh and Vidya Sagar eds., Sustainable Agriculture, Poverty and Food Security. Jaipur: Rawat Publications, pp. 256-279.
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Sulastri, Endang and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2002. “Role of Dairy Cooperative Services on Dairy Development in Indonesia: A Case Study of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Volume 9, No.1, pp. 17-39.
Takahatake, Takashi and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2002. “An Examination of the Socio-economic Implications of Microfinance Programs: Towards an Alternative Approach in Nepal.” Contributions to Nepalese Studies, Vol. 29, No.1, pp. 97-127.
Ghosh, Ashoke Kumar and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2002. “Milk Marketing Channels in Bangladesh.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 87-101.
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Sulastri, Endang and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2002. “The Role of Cooperative on Dairy Farming in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.” Journal of Rural Problem, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 311-317.
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Chowdhury, Masdul Hoq and Keshav Lall Maharjan, 2000. “Pond Fish Production Through People’s Participation in Rural Bangladesh.” Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 11-28.
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