Seminar on Smart Cities and Carbon Neutral Initiatives

We had a seminar with alumni of our lab, Dr. Maya Safira from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Prof. Le Anh Son from Phenikaa University. It was a valuable opportunity to understand the research in other countries on Smart Cities and Carbon Neutral Initiatives.

Bachelor students from ITB also joined us for the seminar. Thank you for coming!

Date and Time: 13:30-16:30, June 26, 2024 (Wednesday)
Location: IDEC large conference room, Hiroshima University
Moderator: Kyle Hoy (The University of British Columbia)

  • 13:30-13:35: Opening remark by Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara (Hiroshima University)
  • 13:35-14:20: Keynote lecture: Digital twin and autonomous things for smart city: a solution from Phenikaa-X by Prof. Le An Son (Phenikaa University, Vietnam, Vice President)
  • 14:20-14:40: Invited talk: Smart City and Urban Central Structure: A Case Study of Bandung City by Dr. Maya Safira (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  • 14:40-14:55: Break
  • 14:55-15:25: Development of a new mobility-oriented city with an agglomeration of places for social exchange by Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara (Hiroshima University, Japan)
  • 15:25-15:55: Modeling dynamic social network formation through activity engagement by Prof. Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University, Japan)
  • 15:55-16:00: Closing remark by Prof. Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University)

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