

PDFで出力される時系列のpore stateのグラフをラン実施後に行う際にはduty_time__####.csvを使うことになるのだが、stateの記述が違うのでメモ。

Strand=strand: DNA is currently passing through a single pore.
Adapter=adapter: The pore is sequencing the unligated sequencing adapter only. Reads will initially be classified as adapter until the DNA/RNA strand starts translocating through the pore and MinKNOW™ is able to reclassify the read. Please note that when sequencing shorter fragments, MinKNOW™ might only label it as adapter despite there being read data in the raw signal and that this will still be basecalled.
Single pore=pore: Single pore is present, however no DNA or other sample is currently passing through the pore.
Unavailable=unavailable: Single pore which is currently blocked. Pores can be unblocked during the course of the experiment by the software/electronics.
Active feedback=unblocking: The channel is being flicked, either as part of a routine flick or to remove a stalled strand.
Possible Multiple=multiple: More than one pore is present at that sensor.
Saturated=saturated: This indicates that particular sensor was passing too much current and the channel was switched off by the software in order to not affect neighbouring channels.
Out of Range 1=unknown_negative: Some negative current passing through that particular sensor.
Out of Range 2 =unknown_positive: Some current passing through that particular sensor, but cause of current cannot be classified (hasn’t been assigned as a pore or as strand data).
Zero=zero: Very little current passing through that particular sensor (viable pore not present).


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