for checking the bathymetry input
infn=bathymetry # xyz file psfn=bathy region=156.75/210/-65/-23.75/-9500/5
gmt psxyz $infn -JQ180/15 -JZ5c -Bx5+llong -By5+llat -Bz2500+lbathymetry -B+t"3D bathymetry" -R$region -Sc0.025 -Ggray -p135/70 -W -P -V > $psfn.eps
gs $psfn.eps for checking the M2 tide amplitude and phase
infn=coefficients psfn=amplitude region=168.3/179.6/-45.1/-36.5
rm -f $psfn.eps
# Amplitude
awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' < $infn | gmt psxy -JQ174/12 -Bx2+llong -By2+llat -BWSne+t"M2 amplitude" -R$region -Sc0.15 -Camp.cpt -P -V -K > $psfn.eps gmt psscale -Camp.cpt -DjMR+w7.5c+o-2.5c/0 -R -J -I -Bx0.25+lAmplitude -By+lm -V -O -K >> $psfn.eps
# Phase
awk '{print $1,$2,$4}' < $infn | gmt psxy -JQ174/12 -Bx2+llong -By2+llat -BWSne+t"M2 phase" -R$region -Sc0.15 -Cpha.cpt -V -K -Y13c -O >> $psfn.eps gmt psscale -Cpha.cpt -DjMR+w7.5c+o-2.5c/0 -R -J -I -Bx30+lphase -By+ldeg -V -O >> $psfn.eps # gs $psfn.eps
Tide GTS input files using the Nao Tide dataset
Download the Nao tide dataset and src from
Then, run the following to check the tidal amplitude and phase
$ gfortran -o nao2xyap nao2xyap.f
$./nao2xyap < m2.nao > m2.nao.xyap
$ gmt info m2.nao.xyap # to check the xyap file and get the attribute for domain
Then, run the following script,
, to plot the tidal charts
infn=o1.nao.xyap psfn=o1tide.nao region=0/360/-90/90
rm -f $ # Amplitude (centi-metre:cm)
gmt makecpt -Ccool -T0/100/20 -V > amp.cpt awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' < $infn | gmt psxy -JQ180/14 -Bx60+llong -By30+llat -BWSne+t"NaoTide O1 amplitude" -R$region -Sc0.015 -Camp.cpt -P -V -K > $ gmt psscale -Camp.cpt -DjMR+w7.0c+o-2.5c/0+e -R -J -I -Bx20+lAmplitude -By+lcm -V -O -K >> $
# Phase (degree)
gmt makecpt -Ccool -T0/360/30 -V > pha.cpt awk '{print $1,$2,$4}' < $infn | gmt psxy -JQ180/14 -Bx60+llong -By30+llat -BWSne+t"NaoTide O1 phase" -R$region -Sc0.015 -Cpha.cpt -V -K -Y12c -O >> $ gmt psscale -Cpha.cpt -DjMR+w7.0c+o-2.5c/0 -R -J -I -Bx30+lphase -By+ldeg -V -O >> $ # gs $ ps2epsi $ convert $psfn.epsi $psfn.png
The resulting $psfn.png
(m2tide.nao.png) is like below
Repeat the same process for S2, K1, O1, and so on.
Finally, make the gts files of each tidal constituents for GFS modelling by running
## tidal coefficients#
gmt info $infn
# input file should contain the amplitude and phase of tidal constituents as a function of space i.e. four columns:
# lon (deg) lat (deg) amplitude (m) phase (degree:-180/180)
# therefore, check the units
awk '{if ($4 > 180.0) print $1,$2,$3/100,$4-360; else print $1,$2,$3/100,$4}' $infn > $tmpfn
gmt info $tmpfn
# just counts the number of lines in the input file
lines=wc -l $tmpfn | awk '{print $1}'
echo "lines = " $lines
# Gerris defines the tidal M2,S2,K1,O1 mode as:
# AM2*cos(omega*t) + BM2*sin(omega*t)
## We first compute AM2 from the amplitude and phase.
awk -v lines=$lines ' BEGIN { print lines " 0 0" } { print $1 " " $2 " " $3*cos($43.14159265357/180.) }' < $tmpfn | delaunay > $Agtsfn #
# Now compute BM2
awk -v lines=$lines ' BEGIN { print lines " 0 0" } { print $1 " " $2 " " $3*sin($43.14159265357/180.) }' < $tmpfn | delaunay > $Bgtsfn