Publications by Research Theme

Coastal hazards and Coastal environments

  1. Flores C.*, Lee H.S., and Mas E. 2024. Understanding tsunami evacuation via social force model considering stress levels using agent-based modelling. Sustainability, 16(10), 4307. Open access.
  2. Jeong J-S., Lee HS*, and Mori N, 2024. Abnormal Surges and the Effects of the Seto Inland Sea Circulation in Hiroshima Bay, JapanFront. Mar. Sci. 11:1359288. Open access
  3. Aljber M*, Lee HS*, Jeong J-S, and Cabrera JS. 2024. Tsunami Inundation Modelling in a Built-in Coastal Environment with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Onagawa Benchmark Test. J. Mar. Sci. Eng.12(1), 177. Open access
  4. Jeong J-S*, and Lee HS*. 2023. Unstructured grid-based river-coastal-ocean circulation modelling towards a digital twin of the Seto Inland Sea. Appl. Sci. 13(14): 8143. Open access
  5. Jeong J-S, Lee HS*, and Mori N., 2023. Abnormal high tides and flooding induced by the internal surge in Hiroshima Bay due to a remote typhoon. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1148648. Open access
  6. Cabrera J.* and Lee H.S. 2022. Coastal Zone Environment Integrity Assessment for Sustainable Management: Part 1. Development of Adaptive Expert-Driven Coastal Zone Health Index Framework. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 10(9):1183. Open access
  7. Lee H.S.*, Sambuaga R.D., and Flores C. 2022. Effects of tsunami shelters in Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia, based on agent-based modelling: A case study of the 2018 Anak Krakatoa volcanic tsunami. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 10(8). 1055. Open access
  8. Jeong J.-S., Woo S.-B., Lee H.S., Gu B.-H., Kim J.W., and Song J.I. 2022. Baroclinic effect on inner-port circulation in a macro-tidal estuary: A cast study of Incheon North Port, Korea. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 10(3), 392. Open access
  9. Sambuaga R.D. and Lee H.S.* 2021. Optimized Evacuation Plan and Decision Support System Development with Agent-Based Modelling and GIS Analysis for Tsunami Events in Pandeglang, Banten, IndonesiaJ. Coast. Res., 114(sp1): 509-513, 5. Open access
  10. Badriana M.R.*, Lee H.S., Diastomo H., Avrionesti, Surya M.Y., Abdurrahman U., Suprijo T., and Park H., 2021. Multi-data ensemble estimation of wave energy potential in Indonesian Seas. J. Coast. Res., 114(sp1): 271-275, 5. Open access
  11. Badriana, M.R., and Lee H.S.*, 2021. Multimodel Ensemble Projections of Wave Climate in the Western North Pacific using CMIP6 Marine Surface Winds. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 9(8), 835. Open access
  12. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S.*, 2020. Flood risk assessment for Davao Oriental in the Philippines using geographic information system‐based multi‐criteria analysis and the maximum entropy model. J. Flood Risk Manag., 2020, 13(2); e12607. Open access
  13. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S.*, 2019. Flood risk assessment using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis: A case study in Davao Oriental, Philippines. Water11(11), 2203. Open access
  14. Park J.H., Yuk J.H., Joo W., and Lee H.S., 2019. Wave Run-up Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Method in the Busan Marine City during Typhoon Chaba (1618)J. Coast. Res., SI No. 91, pp. 56-60. Link
  15. Choi B.H., Kim K.O., Yuk J-H. and Lee H.S.*. 2018. Simulation of the 1953 Storm Surge in the North Sea. Ocean Dyn., 68(12), 1759-1777. Link
  16. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S.*, 2018. Impacts of climate change on flood-prone area in Davao Oriental, Philippines. Water, 10(7), 893. Open access
  17. Lee H.S.*, 2018. Improvement of decomposing results of empirical mode decomposition and its variations for sea-level records analysis. J. Coast. Res., SI No. 85, pp. 526–530. Open Access
  18. Kim S., and Lee H.S.*, 2018. Combined Approach of Empirical Mode Decomposition and Artifical Neural Network for Sea-level Record Analysis. J. Coast. Res., SI No. 85, pp. 1091–1095. Link
  19. Kim K.O., Yuk J-H., Lee H.S., and Choi B.H., 2016. Typhoon Morakot induced waves and surges with an integrally coupled tide-surge-wave finite element model. J. Coast. Res., SI75, 1122-1126. Link
  20. Lee H.S.*, Shimoyama T., and Popinet S., 2015. Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation due to potential Nankai Trough earthquakes in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120(10), 6865-6883. Open Access
  21. Lee H.S.*, and Kaneko A., 2015. Estimation and projection of non-linear relative sea-level rise in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Atmos.-Ocean, 53(4), 393-411, Link
  22. Yuk J-H., Kim K.O., Lee H.S., and Choi B.H., 2015. Simulation of Storm Surge and Wave due to Typhoon Isewan (5915). China Ocean Eng., 29(4), 473-488. Link
  23. Lee H.S.*, 2015. Evaluation of WAVEWATCH III performance with wind input and dissipation source terms using wave buoy measurements for October 2006 along the east Korean coast in the East Sea. Ocean Eng., 100, 67-82. Link
  24. Lee H.S.*, 2013. Estimation of extreme sea levels along the Bangladesh coast due to sea level rise and storm surge using EEMD and EVA. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118(9), 4273-4285.Download
  25. Lee H.S.*, 2013. Abnormal storm waves in the East Sea (Japan Sea) in April 2012. J. Coast. Res., SI65 (ICS2013 Proceedings), 748-753. Link
  26. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., John R.-C. Hsu, and Ding, F., 2013. Integrated modeling of the dynamic meteorological and sea surface conditions during the passage of Typhoon Morakot. Dyn. Atmos. Ocean., 59, 1-23. Link
  27. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., and Mishima T., 2012. Multi-decadal variations of ENSO, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific. Prog. Oceanogr., 105, 67-80. Link
  28. Kim K.O, Lee H.S.*, Min B.I., and Choi B.H., 2011. Hindcasting of high swell waves off the eastern Korean coast on 24 February 2008 using structured and unstructured wave modelsJ. Coast. Res., SI64 (ICS2011 Proceedings), 1073-1077. Download
  29. Min B.I., Kim K.O., Lee H.S., Yuk J.-H. and Choi B.H., 2011. Disturbances in tidal and sedimentation regimes at Saemangeum due to a dike. J. Coast. Res., SI64 (ICS2011 Proceedings), 576-580. Download
  30. Lee H.S.*, K.O. Kim, Yamashita T., Komaguchi T., and Mishima T., 2010. Abnormal storm waves in the winter East/Japan Sea: Generation process and hindcast using an atmosphere-wind wave coupled modelling system. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10(4), 773-793. Open Access
  31. Choi B.H.*, Kim K.O., Lee H.S., and Yuk J.H., 2010. Perturbation of regional ocean tides due to coastal dikes. Cont. Shelf Res., 30(6), 553-563. Link
  32. Kim K.O.*, Lee H.S., Yamashita T. and Choi B.H., 2008. Wave and storm surge simulations for Hurricane Katrina using coupled process-based models. KSCE J. Civ. Eng., 12(1), 1-8. Link
  33. Kim K.O., Choi B.H., Lee H.S., and Yuk J-H., 2018. Regional Realtime Ocean Tide and Storm-surge Simulation for the South China Sea. J. Korean Soc. Coastal and Ocean Eng., 30(2), 69-83. DOI
  34. Lee H.S.*, 2015. Interactions of Tsunami with Natural Oscillations Implied from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Records Analysis Using Hilbert-Huang Transform. Procedia Engineering, 116, 707-712. Open Access
  35. Lee H.S.*, and Kim K.O., 2015. Storm Surge and Storm Waves Modelling Due to Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 with Improved Dynamic Meteorological Conditions. Procedia Engineering, 116, 699-706. Open Access
  36. Lee H.S.*, Komaguchi T., Yamamoto A., and Masanori H., 2013. Wintertime extreme storm waves in the East Sea: Estimation of extreme storm waves and wave-structure interaction study in the Fushiki Port, Toyama Bay. J. Korean Soc. Coastal and Ocean Eng., 25(5), 335-347. Open Access
  37. Lee H.S.*, and Cong M.V., 2013. Regional Sea Level Rise Projection: The Seto Inland Sea Case in Japan. J. Water Resources & Environmental Engineering, (SI), pp. 27-37. Link
  38. Choi B.H., Yamashita T., and Lee H.S.*, 2010. Regional Ocean Tide Simulator: Applications to Adjacent Seas of Korea and Japan. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 16(2), 21-38. Download
  39. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T. and Komaguchi T., 2008. Reanalysis of past major storms in West Kyusyu and study of wind-induced current in Ariake Sea. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 14(2), 19-36. Download
  40. Cabrera Jand Lee H.S., 2022. Adaptive coastal zone health index (CoZHI) framework: A tool to assess the co-existence status between sustainable development and coastal zone environment. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 78(2), I_991-I_996. Link
  41. Kuwae, T. et al. 2021. Future challenges to address climate change in Japanese coastal areas (今後の我が国の沿岸分野における気候変動対応で取り組むべき課題に関する意識調査). Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering). 77(1), 1-17. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  42. Badriana M.R., and Lee H.S.*, 2019. Statistical Evaluation of Monthly Marine Surface Winds of CMIP6 GCMs in the western North Pacific. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 75(2), 1219-1224. Link
  43. Lee H.S.*, and Shimoyama T., 2016. Numerical Experiments for Impacts of Tides on Tsunami Propagations in the Seto Inland Sea. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 72(2), 325-330. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  44. Lee H.S.*, and Kaneko A., 2014. Regional Projection of Relative Sea Level Rise in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 70(2), 1276-1280. Link
  45. Komaguchi, T, Lee H.S. and Yamashita T., 2009. Examination of Generation Mechanism of Abnormal Waves caused by the Monsoons Along the Central Coast of Japan/East SeaJournal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 65(1), 206-210. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  46. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., Komaguchi T. and Mishima T., 2009. Re-analysis of Typhoon Meteorological Fields and Related Waves and Surges in the Seto Inland SeaJournal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 65(1), 441-445. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  47. Yamashita T., Kim K.O., Lee H.S. and Komaguchi T., 2008. Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Simulation for Storm Surge and Abnormal Waves in Japan Sea: Application to the Storm in February 2008Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 55, 166-170. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  48. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., Komaguchi T. and Mishima T., 2008. Numerical Simulation of so-called ‘Yorimawari-Waves’ caused by the Low Pressures on Feb. 2008 Using a Meso-scale Meteorological Model and the Wave ModelAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 55, 161-165. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  49. Yamashita T., Kim K.O., Lee H.S., and Mohammed H., 2007. Environment Simulator: Contribution to coastal engineering problemsAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 54, 1301-1305. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  50. Yamaguchi K., Yamashita T., Lee H.S., and Ohshiro R., 2007. Numerical experiment for typhoon and ocean interaction by MITgcm-MM5 coupling modelAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 54, 336-340. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  51. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., Yamaguchi K., and Ohshiro R., 2006. Test simulations of internal wave propagation and up-welling caused by typhoon by means of MITgcm, Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering. JSCE, 53, 351-355. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  52. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., Komaguchi T., Yoshino M., and Oishi T., 2006. Reanalysis of wind fields caused by major meteorological depressions for the past 50 years in the west of KyushuAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 53, 121-125. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  53. Kim K.O., Lee H.S., Mohammed H., and Yamashita T., 2006. Numerical hindcast of storm surges and waves caused by Hurricane Katrina by means of air-wave-ocean coupled modelAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 53, 416-420. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link
  54. Kim K.O., Lee H.S., and Yamashita T., 2005. Winter huge wave simulation in Japan/East Sea by MM5 and WW3 coupled model using depression bogussingAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 52, 176-180. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link

Water resource and Hydrology

  1. Samim AT, Nayyer F, Hussainzada W, and Lee HS*. 2024. Intercomparison of gridded global precipitation data for arid and mountainous regions: A case study of Afghanistan. J. Hydrol.-Reg. Stud., 53: 101837. Open access
  2. Hussainzada W and Lee HS*. 2024. Impact of land surface model schemes in snow-dominated arid and semi-arid watersheds using the WRF-Hydro modelling systems. AIMS Geosci. 10(2): 312-332. Open access
  3. Trošelj J*, Lee HS, and Hobohm L. 2023. Enhancing a Real-Time Flash Flood Predictive Accuracy Approach for the Development of Early Warning Systems: Hydrological Ensemble Hindcasts and Parameterizations. Sustainability. 15(18):13897 Open access
  4. Hussainzada WCabrera JSSamim AT, Lee HS* 2023. Water resource management for improved crop cultivation and productivity with hydraulic engineering solution in arid northern Afghanistan. Appl. Water Sci. 13(2), 41. Open access
  5. Hussainzada W., and Lee H.S.* 2022. Effect of an improved agricultural irrigation scheme with a hydraulic structure for crop cultivation in arid northern Afghanistan using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Sci. Rep. 12, 5186. Open access
  6. Hussainzada W., Lee H.S.*, Bhanage V., and Khpalwak G.F., 2021. Sensitivity of snowmelt runoff modelling to the level of cloud coverage for snow cover extent from daily MODIS product Collection 6. J. Hydrol.-Reg. Stud., 36. 100835. Open access
  7. Hussainzada W., and Lee H.S.*, 2021. Hydrological modelling for water resource management in a semi-arid mountainous region using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool: A case study in northern Afghanistan. Hydrology8(1), 16. Open access
  8. Trošelj J. and Lee H.S. 2021. Modelling Typhoon-induced Extreme River Discharges: A case study of Typhoon Hagibis in Japan. J. Hydrol.-Reg. Stud., 34. 100766. Open access
  9. Guiamel I. and Lee H.S.*, 2020. Watershed Modelling of the Mindanao River Basin in the Philippines Using the SWAT for Water Resource Management. Civil Eng. Journal, 6(4), 626-648. Open access
  10. Gentilucci M., Barbieri M., Lee H.S., Zardi D., 2019. Analysis of rainfall trends and extreme precipitation in the Middle Adriatic side, Marche Region (Central Italy). Water, 11(9), 1948. Open access
  11. Lee H.S.*, 2015. General patterns of rainfall in Indonesia and potential impacts of the Indonesian seas on rainfall intensity. Water, 7(4), 1751-1768. Open Access
  12. Ding F.*, Yamashita T., and Lee H.S., 2014. A modelling study of seawater intrusion in the Liao Dong Bay coastal plain, China. J. Mar. Sci. Technol.-Taiwan, 22(2), 103-115. Open Access
  13. Ding F.*, Yamashita T., Lee H.S., and Ping J.-h., 2011. Scheme choice for optimal allocation of water resources based on fuzzy language evaluation and the generalized induced ordered weighted averaging operator. Fuzzy Information and Engineering, 3(2), 169-182. Link
  14. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., and Mohammed H., 2009. Modelling Hydrodynamics in Yachiyo Lake Using a Non-Hydrostatic General Circulation Model with Spatially and Temporally Varying Meteorological Condition. Hydrol. Process., 23(14), 1973-1987. Download
  15. Haggag M.*, Yamashita T., Lee H.S., and Kim K.O., 2008. A coupled atmosphere and multi-layer land surface model for improving heavy rainfall simulation. Journal of Global Environment Engineering (JGEE), 14, 1-14. Link
  16. Lee H.S.*, Yamashita T., and Isshiki Y., 2007. Nonhydrostatic simulation for water circulation in Dam lake by means of MITgcmAnnual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, 54, 381-385. (in Japanese with English abstract) Link

Renewable energy

  1. Chisale SW, Lee HS, Soto Calvo MA, Jeong J-S, Aljber M, Williams Z, and Cabrera JS, 2025. Advanced Solar Energy Potential Assessment in Malawi: Utilizing High-Resolution WRF Model and GIS to Identify Optimal Sites for Photovoltaic Generation. Renew. Energy, 239: 122084. Open access
  2. Soto Calvo M*, Lee HS*, and Chisale SW. 2024. A novel method for long-term power demand prediction using enhanced data decomposition and neural network with integrated uncertainty analysis: A Cuba case study. Applied Energy. 372:123864. Link
  3. Aljber M*, Jeong J-S, Cabrera JS, Soto Calvo M, Chisale SW, Williams Z, and Lee HS*. 2024. Optimal site selection and potential power assessment for tidal power generation in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, based on high-resolution ocean modelling and multicriteria analysis. Applied Energy. 372: 123843. Link
  4. Chisale SW* and Lee HS. 2024. Comprehensive Onshore Wind Energy Assessment in Malawi based on the WRF downscaling with ERA5 reanalysis data, optimal site selection, and energy productionEnergy Conv. Manag.-X. 22:100608. Open access
  5. Soto Calvo M*, and Lee HS. 2024. Enhanced CEEMDAN with Superior Noise Handling Capabilities: A Robust Signal Decomposition Method for Power Systems Analysis. Eng. Rep. 6(11): e12862. Open access
  6. Chisale SW and Lee HS*. 2023. Evaluation of Barriers and Solutions to Renewable Energy Acceleration in Malawi, Africa, using AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS approach. Energy Sustain Dev. 76: 101272. Open access
  7. Nhiavue Y, Lee HS*, Chisale SW, and Cabrera JS. 2022. Prioritization of Renewable Energy for Sustainable Electricity Generation and an Assessment of Floating Photovoltaic Potential in Lao PDR. Energies15(21), 8243. Open access
  8. Chreng K, Lee HS*, Tuy S. 2022. A Hybrid Model for Electricity Demand Forecast Using Improved Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Recurrent Neural Networks with ERA5 Climate Variables. Energies, 15(19):7434. Open access
  9. Thuc V.C. and Lee H.S.* 2022. Partial discharge (PD) signal detection and isolation on high voltage equipment using improved complete EEMD method. Energies15(16), 5819. Open access
  10. Tuy S., Lee H.S.*, and Chreng K. 2022. Integrated assessment of offshore wind power potential using Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) downscaling with Sentinel-1 satellite imagery, optimal sites, annual energy production and equivalent CO2 reduction. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 163, 112501. Open access
  11. Chreng K., Lee H.S.*, and Tuy S. 2022. Electricity demand prediction for sustainable development in Cambodia using recurrent neural networks with ERA5 reanalysis climate variablesEnergy Rep., 8, 76-81. Open access
  12. Khai L.Q., and Lee H.S.*, 2022. Efficiency assessment of technologies implementation in Vietnam power transmission system. Energy Rep., 8, 16-22. Open access
  13. Tuy S., Lee H.S.*, and Chreng K. 2022. Offshore wind resource mapping in Cambodia: Sensitivity assessment of the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. Energy Rep., 8, 359-364. Open access
  14. Guiamel I. and Lee H.S.*, 2020. Potential Hydropower Estimation for the Mindanao River Basin in the Philippines Based on Watershed Modelling Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Energy Rep., 6, 1010-1028. Open access
  15. Bunodiere A. and Lee H.S.*, 2020. Renewable energy curtailment: Prediction using a logic-based forecasting method and mitigation measures in Kyushu, Japan. Energies 202013(18), 4703. Open access

Urban climate

  1. Putra IDGA*, Nimiya H, Sopaheluwakan A, Kubota T, Lee HS, Alfata MNF, Permana DS, Perdana RB, 2025. Development of untypical meteorological year in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia: An application for thermal stress assessment. Build. Environ. 112877. Open access
  2. Pradana RP*, Bhanage V, Fajary FR, Hussainzada W, Badriana MR, Lee HS*, Kubota T, Nimiya H, and Putra IDGA. 2025. Assessing green strategies for urban cooling in the development of Nusantara Capital City, Indonesia. Climate. 13(2), 30. Open access
  3. Fajary FR*, Lee HS*, Bhanage V, Pradana RP, Kubota T, and Nimiya H. 2024. Evaluating MPAS-A Performance for Mesoscale Simulation in a Tropical Region: A Case Study of Extreme Heat in Jakarta, Indonesia. Atmosphere. 15(10):1202. Open access
  4. Fajary FR*, Lee HS*, Kubota T, Bhanage V, Pradana RP, Nimiya H, and Putra IDGA. 2024. Comprehensive spatiotemporal evaluation of urban growth, surface urban heat island, and urban thermal conditions on Java Island of Indonesia and implications for urban planning. Heliyon. 10(13): e33708. Open access
  5. Pradana RP*, Lee HS*, Kubota T, Bhanage V and Fajary FR et al. 2024. Impacts of the Asian Australian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature on Urban Climates in Major Indonesian Cities for Low Carbon Building Design. Adv in Hydro & Meteorol. 1(5): AHM.MS.ID.000522. Open access
  6. Bhanage V*, Lee HS, Cabrera J, Kubota T, Pradana RPFajary FR and Nimiya H. 2024. Identification of Optimal CMIP6 GCMs for Future Typical Meteorological Year in Major Cities of Indonesia using Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisFront. Environ. Sci. 12:1341807. Open access
  7. Putra IDGA*, Nimiya H, Sopaheluwakan A, Kubota T, Lee HS, Pradana RP, Alfata MNF, Perdana RB, Permana DS, Riama NF, Karnawati D. 2024. Development of typical meteorological years based on quality control of datasets in Indonesia. Renew. Energy, 221: 119699. Open access
  8. Bhanage V*, Lee HS*, Kubota T, Pradana RPFajary FR, Putra IDGA, and Nimiya H., 2023. City-wise assessment of suitable CMIP6 GCM in simulating different urban meteorological variables over major cities in Indonesia. Climate, 11(5), 100. Open access
  9. Bhanage V, Kulkarni S, Sharma R, Lee HS, Gedam S. 2023. Enumerating and Modelling the Seasonal Alterations of Surface Urban Heat and Cool Island: A Case Study over Indian CitiesUrban Sci., 7(2), 38. Open access
  10. Putra IDGA*, Nimiya H, Sopaheluwakan A, Kubota T, Lee HS, Pradana RP, Alfata MNF, Perdana RB, Permana DS, Riama NF, 2022. Development of climate zones for passive cooling techniques in the hot and humid climate of Indonesia. Build. Environ., 226, 109698. Open access.
  11. Bhanage V., Lee H.S.*, Gedam S. and Latha R. 2022. Impacts of future urbanization on urban microclimate and thermal comfort over Mumbai metropolitan region, India. Sustain. Cities Soc., 79, 103703. Open access
  12. Kubota T.*, Lee H.S., Trihamdani A.R., Phuong T.T.T., Tanaka T., and Matsuo K., 2017. Impacts of land use changes from the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on urban heat islands: Part 1. Cooling effects of proposed green strategies. Sustain. Cities Soc. 32, 295-317. Link
  13. Lee H.S., Trihamdani A.R., Kubota T.*, Phuong T.T.T., Satoru I., 2017. Impacts of land use changes from the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on urban heat islands: Part 2. Influence of global warming. Sustain. Cities Soc. 31, 95-108. Link
  14. Trihamdani A.R.*, Kubota T., Lee H.S., Sumida K., and Phuong T.T.T., 2017. Impacts of Land Use Changes on Urban Heat Islands in Hanoi, Vietnam: Scenario Analysis. Procedia Engineering, 198, 525-529. Link
  15. Trihamdani A.R.*, Lee H.S., Kubota T., Phuong T.T.T., 2015. Configuration of green spaces for urban heat island mitigation in Hanoi Master Plan 2030. Buildings, 5(3), 933-947, Open Access


  1. Soto Calvo M, and Lee HS. Electrical Storm Optimization (ESO) Algorithm: Theoretical foundations, analysis, and application to engineering problems. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 7(1), 24. Open access
  2. Perera IU, et al., 2025. Causal interactions among phytoplankton and Pseudo-nitzschia species revealed by empirical dynamic modelling. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 211: 117432. Open access
  3. Saputra M.H. and Lee H.S.*, 2021. Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on the Potential Distribution of Styrax sumatrana in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Sustainability, 13(2): 462. Open access
  4. Bhanage V., Lee H.S.*, and Gedam S., 2021. Prediction of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Mumbai City, India, using Remote Sensing Data and a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network-based Markov Chain Model. Sustainability, 13(2): 471. Open access
  5. Yoshida Y., Lee H.S., Trung B.H., Tran H.-D., Lall M.K., Kakar K., Xuan T.D.*, 2020. Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Dams on Fisheries and Agriculture in Lower Mekong Basin. Sustainability 202012, 2408. Open access
  6. Byambadorj A.and Lee H.S.*, 2019. Household’s willingness to pay for wastewater treatment and water supply system improvement in a Ger area in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia. Water, 11(9), 1856. Open access
  7. Saputra M.H. and Lee, H.S.*, 2019. Prediction of land use and land cover changes for North Sumatra, Indonesia, using an artificial-neural-network-based cellular automaton. Sustainability, 11(11), 3024. Open access
  8. Khattiyavong C. and Lee H.S.*, 2019. Performance simulation and assessment of an appropriate wastewater treatment system in a densely-populated growing city in a developing country: A case study in Vientiane, Laos. Water, 11(5), 1012. Open access
  9. Saputra M.H.*, Sagala S.A.H., and Lee H.S., 2019. Species Distribution of Styrax sumatrana in North Sumatra using Maxent Modelling Approach. Forum Geografi; Vol 33, No 2, 196-208. DOI
  10. Hendri*, Yamashita T., Kuntoro A., Lee H.S., 2012. Carbon stock measurements of a degraded tropical logged-over secondary forest in Manokwari Regency, West Papua, Indonesia. For. Stud. China, 14(1), 8-19. Link
  11. Hendri*, Timothy L., Tiwaree R.S., Lee H.S., and Yamashita T., 2011. Towards an integrated fire management framework using space-based application in Asia-Pacific region. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(1), 55-67. Download