
Conference presentations and others

(Non-refereed proceedings, Extended abstracts, Abstracts, and Posters)

* Bold italic: CHESS lab member

  1. Lee HS. 2025. “Achieve comfortable living environment in Indonesia using affordable low-carbon technologies: Future urban climate projection“. World Bosai Forum 2025, Sendai. 6-8 March 2025
  2. Jeong J-S., Lee HS, Mori N. 2025. The Effect of an Operational Weir on Osaka Bay Using a High-resolution Circulation Model: Extreme Heavy Rainfall Case in 2018. AOGS 2025, Singapore (accepted)
  3. Fajary FR, Lee HS, Bhanage V, Pradana RP, Kubota T, Nimiya H. 2025. Assessing Mpas-A Performance for Urban Extreme Air Temperature Simulation and Its Potential for Dynamical Downscaling in Major Indonesian Cities. AOGS 2025, Singapore (accepted)
  4. Bhanage V, Lee HS, Fajary FR, Pradana RP, Kubota T, Nimiya H. 2025. Machine Learning-based Solar Irradiance Forecasting for Indonesian Cities. AOGS 2025, Singapore (accepted)
  5. Fajary FR, Lee HS, Bhanage V, Pradana RP, Kubota T, Nimiya H. 2025. The Mpas-a Dynamic Downscaling on Urban Climate for Future Typical Meteorological Year. AOGS 2025, Singapore (accepted)
  6. WILLIAMS Z, LEE HS, SOTO CALVO M. 2025. Integrating Continuous Water Quality Monitoring and Remote Sensing to Assess Pond Ecosystem Dynamics. AOGS 2025, Singapore (accepted)
  7. Soto Calvo, M. and Lee HS 2025. Advanced Wave Height Forecasting: A Deep Learning Approach Using Multi-parameter Ocean-atmosphere Data. AOGS 2025, Singapore (accepted)
  8. 森重宏太・Jae-soon JEONG・〇李漢洙・渡邉大雅・森信人・Manuel SOTO CALVO・Zachary WILLIAMS. 高解像度瀬戸内海モデルと海洋ブイを用いた瀬戸内海における粒子追跡実験, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2025, 21-22 Feb. 2025, Kyoto, Japan.
  9. 〇Zachary WILLIAMS, Manuel SOTO CALVO, Han Soo LEE, Jae-Soon JEONG, Morhaf ALJBER, Nobuhito MORI. Design and Development of a Low-Cost Autonomous Buoy for Seawater Quality Monitoring and Climate Change Adaptation in the Seto Inland Sea, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2025, 21-22 Feb. 2025, Kyoto, Japan.
  10. 〇Jeong J.S., Lee H.S., and Mori N. Impact of the Operational Yodogawa Great Barrier on Stratification in Osaka Bay from a High-Resolution Circulation Model of the Seto Inland Sea, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2025, 21-22 Feb. 2025, Kyoto, Japan.
  11. Lee HS. 2024. Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Busan, Korea. 25 Nov. 2024. (Invited Seminar)
    • Title: Wave climate projection in the western North Pacific and the extreme
  12. Lee HS. 2024. UNITAR 2024 Leave No One Behind: Rapid Response to Climate Crises through Early Warning Systems, Hiroshima, Japan. 11 Nov. 2024. (Special Lecture)
    • Title: Climate Change, Tropical Cyclone and Early Warning Systems.
  13. Aljber M, Lee HS, Jeong J-S, and Cabrera JS. 2024. Tsunami inundation modelling in a built-in coastal environment with adaptive mesh refinement: The Onagawa Benchmark Test. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  14. Jeong J-S. Lee HS, Mori N. 2024. The effect of Yodogawa Great Barrier on coastal circulations in Osaka Bay using a high-resolution circulation model for the Seto Inland Sea. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  15. Cabrera JS, Lee HS, Jeong J-S, and Aljber M, and Williams Z, and Soto Calvo M. 2024. Sea level analysis in major ocean basins using improved complete EEMD with adaptive noise (ICEEMDAN) for data decomposition and K-neareast neighbours (KNN) for data imputation. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  16. Williams Z, Soto Calvo M, Aljber M, Jeong J-S, Cabrera JS, and Lee HS. 2024. Design of a low-cost autonomous seawater monitoring buoy for coastal ecosystem monitoring. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  17. Aljber M, Jeong J-S, Lee HS, Soto Calvo M, Williams Z, and Cabrera JS. 2024. Optimal tidal array positioning and orientation in Obatake Strait in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using large eddy simulation with adaptive mesh refinement. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  18. Soto Calvo, M. and Lee HS. 2024. Optimization of Multi-Reservoir Water Dispatch Considering Biodiversity Conservation Using Electric Storm Optimization Algorithm. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  19. Cabrera JS, and Lee HS. Mangrove ecosystems as carbon sinks: A GIS-based assessment of carbon sequestration in Mati City during and after COVID-19. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  20. Jeong J-S. and Lee HS. 2024. Circulations in brackish water zone of Osaka Bay: Typhoon Jebi case study towards a real-time digital twin of the Seto Inland Sea. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  21. Williams Z, Soto Calvo M, Aljber M, Jeong J-S, and Lee HS. 2024. Design and development of a low-cost autonomous device for seawater quality monitoring and particle tracking in ocean. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  22. Lee HS. 2024. The 3rd International Biodiversity Conference (IBC), Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU), the Philippines. 25 Oct. 2024. (Invited talk)
    • Title: The state-of-the-art CHESS Lab research for coastal environment conservation and utilization: Monitoring, Survey, and Modelling.
  23. Jeong J-S, Lee HS, and Mori N. Effects of wind waves on coastal currents: A case study of Typhoon Jebi 2018. ICCE2024. September 2024, Rome, Italy
  24. Cabrera JS, Lee HS, Jeong J-S, Aljber M. Integrated framework for coastal zone health index and vulnerability assessment. ICCE2024. September 2024, Rome, Italy
  25. Jeong J-S. 2024. Dynamic Coastal Processes and Interactions Among Waves, Tides, and River Discharge in Osaka Bay During Typhoon Jebi in 2018. Hiroshima University-Inha University (HU-IU) Joint Seminar, 28 June, Inha University, Incheon City, South Korea
  26. Cabrera J. 2024. Analyzing Coastal Environment Using the Coastal Zone Health Index Framework (CoZHI). Hiroshima University-Inha University (HU-IU) Joint Seminar, 28 June, Inha University, Incheon City, South Korea
  27. Chisale S.W. 2024. Exploring the Consequences of Accelerated Urbanization in Lilongwe City, Malawi: Shifts in Microclimate Dynamics and the Escalation of Energy-Related Issues. Hiroshima University-Inha University (HU-IU) Joint Seminar, 28 June, Inha University, Incheon City, South Korea
  28. Aljber M. 2024. Optimal array design of tidal power generation in Obatake Strait in the Seto Inland Sea using large eddy simulation with adaptive mesh refinement. Hiroshima University-Inha University (HU-IU) Joint Seminar, 28 June, Inha University, Incheon City, South Korea
  29. Williams, Z. 2024. Design of a low-cost autonomous seawater measuring device to aid in particle tracking in the Seto Inland Sea. Hiroshima University-Inha University (HU-IU) Joint Seminar, 28 June, Inha University, Incheon City, South Korea
  30. Soto Calvo, M. 2024. Enhanced Complete Ensemble EMD: A powerful signal decomposition method for extreme ocean-related phenomena analysis. Hiroshima University-Inha University (HU-IU) Joint Seminar, 28 June, Inha University, Incheon City, South Korea
  31. Mahmood and Lee, 2024. Stream Flows Projection Under Changing Climate: a Case Study of Gilgit River in Upper Indus Basin of Pakistan. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  32. Jeong, Lee, and Mori, 2024. Dynamic Coastal Processes and Interactions Among Waves, Tides, and River Discharge in Osaka Bay During Typhoon Jebi in 2018. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  33. Hussainzada and Lee, 2024. Sustainable Water Resources Management Using Wrf-hydro Hydrological Model Over the Amu River Basin, Afghanistan. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  34. Samim AT and Lee HS, 2024. Comprehensive Spatiotemporal Drought Assessment and Their Implications on Agricultural Sustainability: a Case Study of Afghanistan. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  35. Bhanage et al., 2024. Generation of Future Typical Meteorological Year Datasets for Major Cities in Indonesia. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  36. Bhanage V and Lee HS, 2024. Evaluation of Spatial Extent of Urban Heat Island Over Major Cities in Punjab, India. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  37. Fajary et al., 2024. Analysis of Past and Future Urban Growth in Java Island (Indonesia) and Its Impacts on Surface Urban Heat Island and Thermal Comfort. AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, 23 – 28 June 2024.
  38. Williams, Z., Soto Calvo, M., and Lee, H. S.: Design of a low-cost autonomous seawater measurement buoy to scale and optimize a green-powered desalination plant, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 18 Apr 2024, EGU24-8539, 2024. Link
  39. Samim A.T., and Lee H.S. Comprehensive spatiotemporal drought assessment in arid and mountainous regions: A case study of Afghanistan. NERPS 2024 conference, 6-9 March 2024, Hiroshima, Japan.
  40. 西村治親, Jeong J.S., 〇李 漢洙, and 森 信人. 2018年7月豪雨に起因する広島沿岸域漂流物挙動に関する粒子追跡実験, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2024, 22 Feb. 2024, Kyoto, Japan.
  41. 〇Jeong J.S., Lee H.S., and Mori N. Circulation of the Seto Inland Sea revealed by Particle Tracking Experiments with a High-Resolution Circulation Model, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2024, 22 Feb. 2024, Kyoto, Japan.
  42. Jeong J.-S., Lee H.S., and Mori N. Effect of storm surges and tides on the surface circulation in Osaka Bay. AGU OSM 2024, 18-23 (21) Feb. 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.
  43. Chisale S.W., Lee H.S., and Soto-Calvo M. Exploring Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Parameterizations for Enhanced Solar and Wind Energy Resources Predictions in Malawi. The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering (ICSEE 2024), 2-4 February 2024, Brisbane, Australia
  44. Hasan SKN, Bhanage V, and Lee HS. Flood risk assessment of Dhaka City by integrated GIS-based storm water Management Model, AGU Annual Meeting 2023. San Francisco, CA. 11-15 December 2023.
  45. Lee HS. Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU), 29-30 November 2023, Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, Republic of the Philippines. (Invited lecture)
    • Title: “Internal seiche-induced abnormal tides and flooding in Hiroshima Bay: Its mechanism and prediction”
  46. Lee HS. 2023 International Research Festival, Davao del Norte State College (DNSC), 27-28 November 2023, New Visayas, Panabo City, Philippines. (Invited speech)
    • Title: “Earth system modelling for natural hazards and renewable energy study”
  47. Cabrera J.Lee H.S., Jeong J.-S., and Aljber M. Coastal zone environment integrity assessment for sustainable management: Part 2. Coastal zone vulnerability assessment. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) CEC conference, 14-17 November 2023, Kyoto, Japan.
  48. Jeong J.-S., Lee H.S., and Mori N. Late Arrival of Coastal Surge after the Passage of a Typhoon in Seto Inland Sea, Japan. APAC 2023, 14-17 Nov., Kyoto, Japan.
  49. Aljber M., Jeong J.-S., Cabrera J.S., and Lee H.S. Optimal sites selection and potential power assessment for tide and offshore wind power generation in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, based on high-resolution ocean modelling and multi-criteria analysis. APAC 2023, 14-17 Nov., Kyoto, Japan.
  50. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S. A recent decade’s perspective of ocean basin sea level fluctuations using complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN). APAC 2023, 14-17 Nov., Kyoto, Japan.
  51. Jeong J.-S. and Lee, H.S. Effects of tidal currents on storm surge in Osaka Bay by Typhoon Jebi in 2018. 5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI), 2-5 October 2023, Rende (Cosenza), Italy.
  52. Woo S-B, Jeong J.-S., Song J. I., Lee H.S., Aljber, M. Intertidal Density-driven Sediment Flux into a Port in a Macro-tidal Environment. INTERCOH 2023, 18-22 Sep., Incheon, South Korea.
  53. Lee HS. Department of Oceanography, Institute Technology Bandung (ITB), Cirebon Campus, 8 September 2023, Cirebon, Indonesia. (Invited lecture)
    • Title: “Abnormal Tide and Internal Seiche in Hiroshima Bay
  54. Radyan Putra Pradana. “Impact of LULC changes on urban microclimate: A case study over Nusantara, Indonesia”. SATREPS DeLCA Semarang International Seminar, 5 – 6 September 2023, Semarang, Indonesia.
  55. Fajary Faiz Rohman. “Land use and land cover (LULC) analysis in Java Island, Indonesia: Urban growth, surface urban heat island, and urban projection”. SATREPS DeLCA Semarang International Seminar, 5 – 6 September 2023, Semarang, Indonesia.
  56. Vinayak Bhanage. “Generation of the future typical meteorological year for major Indonesian cities: A case study over Jakarta City, Indonesia”. SATREPS DeLCA Semarang International Seminar, 5 – 6 September 2023, Semarang, Indonesia.
  57. Hussainzada W., Cabrera J.S., Samim A.T., and Lee H.S.* Sustainable Water resources management using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for water-scarce northern Afghanistan. AOGS 2023, 30 July – 4 August, Singapore.
  58. Shehzad U., Lee H.S. Stream Flow Modelling in Kabul River Basin Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). AOGS 2023, 30 July – 4 August, Singapore.
  59. Samim A.T., Lee H.S., Nayyer F.and Hussainzada W. Inter-comparison of Thirteen Gridded Global Precipitation Dataset for Natural Resources Management. AOGS 2023, 30 July – 4 August, Singapore.
  60. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S. Recent Decadal Perspective on Sea Level Fluctuations in the Five Ocean Basins. AOGS 2023, 30 July – 4 August, Singapore.
  61. Jeong J.-S., Lee H.S. and Mori N. High-resolution River-coastal-ocean Circulation Modelling in the Seto Inland Sea for Coastal Hazards and Resource Management. AOGS 2023, 30 July – 4 August, Singapore.
  62. Bhanage V., Pradana R.P., Lee H.S., Kubota T., Putra IDGA, and Nimiya H. Development of future typical meteorological year (TMY) for major cities in Indonesia in a hot and humid climate. IAQVEC2023, May 20-23, Tokyo, Japan.
  63. Lee HS. Korean Meteorological Agency (KMA) National Institute of Meteorological Science (NIMS), 9 December 2022, Seoguipo, Jeju, Korea. (Invited seminar)
    • Title: Wave climate projection in the western North Pacific and the extreme
  64. Aljber M., Nogami K., Jeong J.-S., Cabrera J.S., and Lee H.S. Tsunami modelling in a built-in environment with adaptive mesh refinement and varying bottom friction. Coastal Engineering Proceedings: No. 37 (2022): Proceedings of 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2022. open access
  65. Flores C., Lee H.S., Mas E. and Cabrera J.S. Tsunami evacuation in a massive crowd event using an agent-based model. Coastal Engineering Proceedings: No. 37 (2022): Proceedings of 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia, 2022. open access
  66. Lee HS. 1er Seminario Internacional Doctorado en Ingeniería “Fortaleciendo lazos entre la industria y la academia”, 24 November 2022. (Invited Webinar)
  67. Jeong J.-S., Lee H.S. and Mori N. Abnormal High Tides and Flood in Hiroshima Bay due to a Remote Typhoon-Induced Internal Surge, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) CEC conference, 9 November 2022, Yokosuka, Japan.
  68. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S., 2022. Adaptive coastal zone health index (CoZHI) framework: A tool to assess the co-existence status between sustainable development and coastal zone environment. Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) CEC conference, 11 November 2022, Yokosuka, Japan.
  69. Aljber M., Sakanoue G., Cabrera J.S., Jeong J.-S., and Lee H.S. Assessment of potential tidal power sites in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using multi-criteria evaluation. ICEER2022 – The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 12-16 September 2022. (Best Oral Presentation Award)
  70. Chisale S.W. and Lee H.S. A brief systematic review of the literature on the barriers and solutions of renewable energy acceleration in Malawi. ICEER2022 – The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 12-16 September 2022.
  71. Thuc, V.C. and Lee H.S. Improvement of noise filtering method in partial discharge (PD) measurement on high voltage equipment. ICEER2022 – The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 12-16 September 2022.
  72. Tuy S., Lee H.S., and Chreng K. Integrated assessment of offshore wind power potential using WRF downscaling with Sentinel-1 satellite imagery, optimal sites, annual energy production and equivalent CO2 reduction, The 6th International Symposium on Fuels and Energy (ISFE2022), 4-5 July 2022, Hiroshima University, Japan.
  73. Pradana R.P., Lee H.S., Nurrahmat M.H., Permana D.S. Observed Impact of Asian-Australian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature on Major Cities Climate in Indonesia for Typical Meteorological Year Development. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual meeting (2022), 01-05 August 2022, virtual conference.
  74. Heng, P. and Lee H.S. Urban Flood Assessment in Preah Sihanouk City by Using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) with Urban Drainage System. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual meeting (2022), 01-05 August 2022, virtual conference.
  75. Jeong J.-S. and Lee H.S. Effects of remote typhoon intensities on abnormal tides in Hiroshima Bay. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual meeting (2022), 01-05 August 2022, virtual conference.
  76. Cabrera J.S. and Lee H.S. Adaptive Coastal Zone Health Index (CoZHI) Framework for Sustainable Coastal Zone Development and Management: An Expert-Driven Perspectives. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual meeting (2022), 01-05 August 2022, virtual conference.
  77. Tuy S., Lee H.S., and Chreng K. Integrated assessment of offshore wind power potential, annual energy production and equivalent CO2 reduction in Cambodia, Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20-23 June 2022, Reynold Building, University of Manchester, UK.
  78. Nhiavue Y., and Lee H.S. Sustainable Electricity Generation Planning with Renewable Energy Resources in Laos Using Analytic Hierarchy Process, Energy and Climate Transformations: 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20-23 June 2022, Reynold Building, University of Manchester, UK.
  79. Cahya R.A.; Kubota, T.; Pradana, R.P.; Lee H.S. Influence of Climatic Conditions on Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases in Tropical Indonesia. Indoor Air 2022. June 12th to 16th Kuopio, Finland.
  80. Pradana R.P. et al. Influence of Asian-Australian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Urban Climate in Major Cities of Indonesia for Low-carbon Building Design. The Seventh WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-7). 23-26 March 2022, New Delhi, India
  81. Putra I.D.G.A. et al. Identifying cloud cover zones in Indonesia. The Seventh WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-7). 23-26 March 2022, New Delhi, India
  82. Hussainzada W., and Lee H.S.* Water Resource Development for Crop Cultivation with a Hydraulic Engineering Solution using SWAT. The 39th IAHR World Congress (2022), Granada, Spain, 19-24th June. (canceled)
  83. Jeong J.S., Lee H.S., and Mori N. Abnormal high tides and flood induced by internal surge in Hiroshima Bay due to a remote typhoon, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2022 (online), 21-22 Feb. 2022, Kyoto, Japan.
  84. Jeong J.S., and Lee H.S. Abnormal high tides and flooding induced by internal surge in Hiroshima Bay due to a remote typhoon, AGU OSM 2022 (online), 3 Mar. 2022.
  85. Karodine Chreng, Lee H.S.*, Radyan Putra Pradana, Than Quy Trong, I Dewa Gede Arya Putra, and Hideyo Nimiya. Treatment of missing values for generating typical meteorological year (TMY) with data decomposition and recurrent neural networks. ARDC SENVAR 2021, November 2-3, 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia.
  86. Lee H.S. and Saputra M.H. 2021. TORANOANA seminar, Tsukuba University, Japan. 5th October 2021 (Invited)
    • Title: Land use and land cover (LULC) change prediction and its applications. (online)
  87. Lee H.S., 2021. University Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction Conference, September 29, 2021, Indonesia (Keynote Speech)
    • Theme: “Disaster Risk management for Climate-related Hazards in Tropical Countries: Progress and Challenges”
    • Title: Multi-model Ensemble Projections of Wave Climate in the Western North Pacific using CMIP6 Marine Surface Winds. (online)
  88. Karodine Chreng, Lee H.S.*, and Soklin Tuy. Electricity demand prediction for sustainable development in Cambodia using recurrent neural networks with ERA5 reanalysis climate variables. ICEER2021 – The 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 13-18 September 2021. Rome, Italy. (Virtual) (Best Oral Presentation Award)
  89. Le Quang Khai, and Lee H.S.*. Efficiency assessment of technologies implementation in Vietnam power transmission system. ICEER2021 – The 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 13-18 September 2021. Rome, Italy. (Virtual) (Best Oral Presentation Award)
  90. Soklin Tuy, Lee H.S.*, and Karodine Chreng. Offshore wind resource mapping in Cambodia: Sensitivity assessment of the weather research and forecasting model. ICEER2021 – The 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 13-18 September 2021. Rome, Italy. (Virtual)
  91. Lee, H.S., Hideyo Nimiya, and Tetsu Kubota. Development of a New Climate Zoning for Passive Design in Indonesia. 2021年度日本建築学会, 4p. 7-8 September 2021
  92. Lee H.S. and Badriana, M.R., 2021. The 3rd International Conference on Maritime Sciences & Advanced Technology (MSAT), August 5-6, 2021, Pangandaran Integrated Aquarium & Marine Research Institute (PIAMARI), Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia (Invited speaker)
    • Title: Multi-model Ensemble Projections of Wave Climate in the Western North Pacific using CMIP6 Marine Surface Winds. 
  93. Priya Mendiratta, Vinayak Bhanage, Parth Maheshwari, Shirish Gedam, and Han Soo Lee. Simulation of urban growth in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India using Cellular Automata and Neural Networks. The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil and Ecological Engineering Research (ACEER2021), July 27-30, 2021, Beijing, China
  94. Sambuaga R.D., Lee H.S., and Henriquez C.F. Effect of Tsunami Shelters for Volcanic Tsunami in Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia, with Agent-Based Modelling. The 30th International Tsunami Symposium 2021, Sendai, Japan. 1st-3rd July.
  95. Bhanage V., Lee H.S., Gedem S. and Latha R.. Impacts of Future Urban Expansion On Urban Climate: A Case Study of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual meeting (2021), Virtual, Singapore, 01-06 August.
  96. Trošelj J., Lee H.S., Hussainzada W., Oizumi T., Duc L., Khaleghi M., Haider S.Z., Mori N.. Hydrometeorological Real-Time Forecasting for Flash Flood Early Warning Systems in the Chugoku Region of Japan. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual meeting (2021), Virtual, Singapore, 01-06 August.
  97. Hussainzada W., Lee H.S., and Bhanage V. Effects of the cloud coverage level in snow cover on snowmelt runoff modelling in Northern Afghanistan. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual meeting (2021), Virtual, Singapore, 01-06 August.
  98. Hussainzada W., and Lee H.S.. Agricultural Water Resource Management using Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) in Northern Afghanistan. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual meeting (2021), Virtual, Singapore, 01-06 August.
  99. Jeong J.S., Woo S.B.and Lee H.S. Studies on Stratification in the North Port, Incheon, Korea, and Its Effect on Currents with FVCOM. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual meeting (2021), Virtual, Singapore, 01-06 August.
  100. Jeong J.S., Woo S.B.and Lee H.S. Intensive Sediment Deposition Due to Density-driven Circulation in the North Port, Incheon, Korea. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual meeting (2021), Virtual, Singapore, 01-06 August.
  101. Trošelj J. and Lee H.S. Hydrological hindcasts and prameterizations for flash floods real-time forecasting of Typhoon Hagibis 2019 in Japan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2021, Virtual Meeting, 30 May-6 June, Japan.
  102. Trošelj J. and Lee H.S. Hydrological hindcasts and prameterizations for flash floods real-time forecasting in the Chugoku Region of Japan. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2021, Virtual Meeting, 30 May-6 June, Japan.
  103. Trošelj J., Lee H.S., and Mori N. Hydrometeorological Nowcasting for flash flood early warning systems in the Chugoku Region in Japan, The DPRI Annual Meeting 2021 (online), 22nd Feb. 2021, Kyoto, Japan
  104. Lee H.S., Ha T., and Kim K.O., 2020. Numerical experiments on tsunami-tide interaction over the East Asian marginal sea. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 virtual conference, San Francisco, CA, USA. 7-11 December.
  105. Sambuaga R.D. and Lee H.S., 2020. Optimized evacuation plan and decision support system development with agent-based modelling and GIS analysis for tsunami in Pandeglang, Indonesia. i-Coast 2020 virtual conference, Busan, Korea. 27-30 October.
  106. Lee H.S., Ha T., and Kim K.O.. 2020. 2010 Chile Earthquake Tsunami modelling with adaptive mesh refinement. i-Coast 2020 virtual conference, Busan, Korea. 27-30 October.
  107. Badriana M.R., Lee H.S., Diastomo H., Avrionesti, Surya M.Y., Abdurrahman U., Suprijo T., Park H., 2020. Multi-data ensemble estimation of wave energy potential in Indonesian Seas. i-Coast 2020 virtual conference, Busan, Korea. 27-30 October.
  108. Badriana, M.R.and Lee H.S.. Evaluation and bias correction of marine surface winds in the western North Pacific from CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs for wave climate modelling. Coastal Engineering Proceedings: No. 36v (2020): Proceedings of virtual Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2020. open access
  109. Hussainzada W., Lee H.S., and Bhanage V. Snow cover mapping for SUSTAINABLE water resource management in the Balkhab River basin in Afghanistan using MODIS satellite normalized difference snow index (NDSI) products. The 22nd IAHR-APD Congress (2020) virtual conference, Hokkaido, Japan, 15-16th September.
  110. Seng Hort and Lee H.S. Optimization of Energy Storage to Achieve Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Penetration into National Grid in Cambodia, JASID virtual conference. 21st August 2020.
  111. Trošelj J. and Lee H.S. A Method to Forecast Extreme River Discharges from Typhoon Hagibis 2019 and western Japan Floods 2018. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Virtual Meeting, 12-16 July, Japan.
  112. Bunodiere A., and Lee H.S. Mitigation techniques to reduce renewable energy curtailment using a novel long-term forecasting method. 第41回風力エネルギー利用シンポジウム, 日本風力エネルギー学会,4-5 December 2019, Tokyo, Japan. (Best Presentation Award)
  113. Badriana M.R.and Lee H.S. Evaluation and bias correction of marine surface winds from CMIP5 and CMIP6 GCMs for Wave Climate Modeling in the Western North Pacific. The 2nd International Workshop: Waves, Storm Surges & Coastal Hazards, 10 – 15 November 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
  114. Guiamel I.A., and Lee H.S. Watersheds Modeling of Mindanao River Basin in the Philippines using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for Water Resources Management. The 2019 SWAT Conference, Vienna, Austria, 17 – 19 July.
  115. Guiamel I.A., and Lee H.S. Watersheds modelling of Buayan River Basin in the Philippines using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for sustainable water resource management. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual meeting (2019), Singapore, 28 July-2 August.
  116. Lee H.S.Nagahara K., and Takaishi S. Assessment of climate change effects on wind energy resources and power output in the Philippines with CMIP5 dataset. ICEER2019, Aveiro, Portugal, 22-25 July.
  117. Guiamel I.A., and Lee H.S. Watersheds modeling of Mindanao Basins in the Philippines using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for hydropower energy development. Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-25 March.
  118. Khattiyavong C., and Lee H.S. Optimized design of wastewater treatment systems in a densely-populated growing city in a developing country: A case study in Vientiane, Laos. Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-25 March.
  119. Cabrera J., and Lee H.S. Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Pluvial Flooding in Davao Oriental, Philippines. Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-25 March.
  120. Cabrera J., and Lee H.S. Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk in Davao Oriental, Philippines. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual meeting (2018), Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-8 June.
  121. Park J., Yuk J-H, and Lee H.S. Calculation of wave overtopping with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method in the Busan Marine City during typhoon Chaba (1618). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-5898-1, 8–13 April 2018.
  122. Trihamdani, A.R., Sumida, K., Kubota, T., Lee, H.S., Iizuka, S. (2018) Modification techniques for residential buildings to adapt to future urban warming in growing cities of Southeast Asia: A case study in Hanoi City, Proceedings of International Workshop on Wind-Related Disasters and Mitigation, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 11-14 March.
  123. Lee H.S. The sixth edition of the Current Panorama of Atmospheric Sciences 2017, August 15th, 2017 12:00 ~ 13:00, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico (Invited)
    • Title: Impacts assessment of land use changes and global warming on urban heat islands in Hanoi, Vietnam
  124. Lee HS. Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Ansan, Korea, 2 June 2017 (Invited)
    • Title: 한국 연안 풍파 모델링 (Wind waves modeling for Korean seas)
  125. Lee H.S. Sea-level records analysis with empirical mode decomposition and its variations: Boundary effect improvement and reconstruction mothed, JpGU 2017, May 2017, Tokyo, Japan.
  126. Lee HS. SAPPD, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. 27 January 2017 (Invited)
    • Title: Impacts of land use changes and global warming on urban heat islands (UHIs) in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  127. Lee HS. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Daejeon, Korea. 2 December 2016 (Invited)
    • Title: 1)Development of a seamless inundation model with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)
    • 2) HPC를 이용한 폭풍해일 예측방법의 전망
  128. Lee H.S. and Dangendorf S. Non-linear trend estimation of sea-level records using empirical mode decomposition and its variations, Challenger Society for Marine Sciences Conference 2016, Sep. 2016, Liverpool, UK.
  129. Lee HS. Research Institute for Water and Environment, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany. 6 July 2016 (Invited)
    • Title: Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation due to a potential Nankai Trough Earthquake in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan (Participants: about 10)
  130. Kim K.O., Lee H.S., and Cho H.-Y.. Trend estimation of regional sea-level in Korea using empirical mode decomposition and its variations. The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016). June 2016, Incheon, Korea
  131. Lee H.S. Efficacy of adaptive mesh refinement method for tsunami run-up modeling. The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016). June 2016, Incheon, Korea
  132. Jeong W.-M., Oh S.-H., Lee H.S.*, and Ryu K.-H. Modelling of East Sea storm waves in November 2015. The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium (IWSS 2016). June 2016, Incheon, Korea
  133. Lee HS. College of Natural Science, Inha University, Incheon, Korea. 29 June 2016 (Invited)
    • Title: Trend estimation of regional sea-level in Korea using empirical mode decomposition and its variations (Participants: about 15)
  134. Lee H.S., Tsunami signal analysis using Hilbert-Huang transform, International Coastal Symposium (ICS2016), March 2016, Sydney, Australia.
  135. 李 漢洙.瀬戸内海における潮汐が津波伝播に及ぼす影響.第5回 巨大津波災害に関する合同研究集会.2015年12月5日,東京大学地震研究所,東京.
  136. Lee H.S., Estimation of non-linear sea level rise and uncertainty and its projection in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Coastal Engineering Committee, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, (2015), Nov. 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
  137. Lee H.S. 2011 Tohoku tsunami records analysis in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using Hilbert-Huang Transform. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 12th Annual meeting (2015), Singapore.
  138. Trihamdani A.R., Tung N.H., Kubota T., Lee H.S., Phuong T.T.T., Urban heat islands in the future Hanoi City: Impacts on indoor thermal comfort and cooling load in residential buildings. 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (2015), Toulouse, France [link]
  139. Kraus J., Trihamdani A.R., Kubota T., Lee, H.S., Kawamura K., Impact of Singapore on Urban Climate in Johor Bahru during Summer Monsoon. 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (2015), Toulouse, France
  140. Kraus J., Trihamdani A.R., Kubota T., Lee, H.S., Kawamura K., Comparison of land cover and land use data for urban climate modelling in Southeast Asian cities – A case study of Johor Bahru. 9th International Conference on Urban Climate (2015), Toulouse, France
  141. Lee HS. International Institute for Resilient Society (IIRS), Saitama University, Saitama, Japan. 21 January 2015 (Invited)
    • Theme: Coastal Engineering and Coastal Disaster
    • Title: Impacts of tide on tsunami propagation due to a potential Nankai Trough Earthquake in the Seto Inland Sea (Participants: about 30)
  142. Lee H.S., 2014. Estimation of extreme relative sea level in Bangladesh. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual meeting (2014), Sapporo, Japan
  143. Lee H.S., 2014. Impacts of tides on tsunami propagation due to potential Nankai Trough earthquake in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan.Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual meeting (2014), Sapporo, Japan
  144. Lee HS. Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea. 18 June 2014 (Invited)
    • Title: WRF and its applications (Participants: 6)
  145. Lee HS. The 10th anniversary of the Marine & Coastal Engineering Faculty, Water Resource University, Hanoi, Vietnam. 19 Nov 2013. (Invited)
    • Title: Regional Projection of Sea Level Rise: The Seto Inland Sea Case in Japan (Audience: about 40)
  146. Lee H.S. and Yamashita T., 2013. Impacts of the Central Pacific El Nino on typhoon track in the western North Pacific. The 12th International Coastal Symposium (ICS2013), Plymouth, UK.
  147. Lee HS. Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea. 27 September 2012 (Invited)
    • Title: Integrated modelling of typhoon process using Regional Environment Simulator and multi-decadal variations of typhoons in the western North Pacific (Audience: about 10)
  148. Lee H.S., Shimoyama T., and Yamashita T., 2012. Tsunami propagation over the tidal currents in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Proc. of the 18th IAHR-APD Congress, Jeju, Korea.
  149. Lee HS. Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), Ansan, Korea. 27 Sep. 2012 (Invited)
    • Title: Integrated modelling of the dynamic meteorological and sea surface conditions during the passage of Typhoon Morakot (Audience: about 15)
  150. Lee H.S., 2012. Modelling the wave-enhanced storm surge during the passage of Typhoon Morakot, Proc. of the 33rd ICCE, No.33, Santander, Spain.
  151. Shimoyama T., Lee H.S., and Yamashita T., 2012. Numerical experiments of the tsunami propagation over tidal currents in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Proc. of the 33rd ICCE, No.33, Santander, Spain.
  152. Ding F., Yamashita T., and Lee H.S., 2012. Atmosphere-ocean-groundwater modeling system for seawater intrusion simulation in Liao Dong Bay coastal plain, China. Advanced Materials Research, Vols.518-523, pp.4155-4160, Mongolia, China. (Proc. International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP) 2012)
  153. Lee HS. College of Marine Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan. 2 March 2012 (Invited)
    • Title: Integrated modelling of meteorological and sea surface conditions during Typhoon Morakot using an atmosphere-wave-ocean coupled model (Audience: about 30)
  154. Lee HS. Faculty of Coastal Engineering and Marine Management, Water Resource University (WRU), Hanoi, Vietnam. 29 Nov. 2011 (Invited)
    • Title: Regional Environment Simulator in Hiroshima University (Audience: 10)
  155. Lee HS. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia. 18 August 2011 (Invited)
    • Title: Environment Impact Assessment using Regional Environment Simulator in Hiroshima University (Audience: 6)
  156. Lee H.S., Yamashita T., and Mishima T., 2010. Study on the multi-decadal variation of climate and typhoons in the western North Pacific using Hilbert-Huang Transform. Proc. of the 19th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Vol.19, pp.205-210, Kunsan, Korea.
  157. Lee H.S., and Ding F., 2010. Numerical experiments on the extremely heavy rainfall and unique track of Typhoon Morakot 2009. Proc. of the 19th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Vol.19, pp.195-200, Kunsan, Korea.
  158. Lee HS. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI), Ansan, Korea. 1 Oct. 2010 (Invited)
    • Title: On the multi-decadal variations of ENSO and PDO, and tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific (Audience: about 15)
  159. Lee HS. Department of Oceanography, Institute Technology Bandung (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia. 4 – 5 May 2010. (Invited)
    • Title: 1) Storm surge modeling: Theory and applications, 2) Wave modeling: Theory and practice (Audience: about 10)
  160. Lee H.S., Kim K.O., and Choi B.H., 2009. Hindcast of abnormal storm waves in the East Sea in 2006 using an atmosphere-wind wave coupled modelling system. Proc. of the 18th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Vol.18, pp.168-171, Busan, Korea.
  161. Lee H.S., and Yamashita T., 2009. Wave-current interaction process with consideration of wave breaking in arbitrary water depth. Proc. of the 18th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Vol.18, pp.164-167, Busan, Korea.
  162. Lee H.S., Yamashita T., Komaguchi T., and Mishima T., 2009. Study on the multi-decadal variations of climate change and typhoon and coastal disasters. Proc. of the 18th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Vol.18, pp.128-131, Busan, Korea.
  163. Lee HS. International Workshop on Policies for a Low-Carbon Society in Developing Countries, Hiroshima University. 11 Nov. 2009 (Invited)
    • Title: Climate changes and regional climate modeling (Audience: about 40)
  164. Kim K.O., Lee H.S., and Choi B.H., 2009. Numerical simulation of abnormal high waves on the East Sea, Proc. of the Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies, pp.1-4. (in Korean with English abstract), Changwon, Korea.
  165. Lee H.S. and Yamashita T., 2009. Study on wind-wave-current interaction process in arbitrary water depth. Proc. of the 15th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS), pp.262-265, Busan, Korea.
  166. Yamashita, T., Mishima T., and Lee H.S., 2009. Adaptive measures for coastal preservation with consideration of fluctuation of climate change. Proc. of the 15th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS), pp.314-316, Busan, Korea.
  167. Lee HS. College of Ocean Science, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea. 22 Oct. 2009 (Invited)
    • Title: Regional Environment Simulator: Introduction and applications (Audience: about 10)
  168. Lee HS. National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, Ibaraki, Japan. 27 Aug. 2009 (Invited)
    • Title: Regional Environment Simulator and its Applications (Audience: about 10)
  169. Lee HS. The 21st AGEL Symposium in the 53rd Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Venue: Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. 04 March 2009 (Invited)
    • Title: Numerical experiments of the impacts of Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River and the East China Sea using hydrology and ocean coupled model (in Japanese, Audience: about 30)
  170. Lee HS. Alpha Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd, Hokkaido, Japan. 26 January 2009 (Invited)
    • Title: Regional Environment Simulator and its Applications (Audience: about 20)
  171. Lee H.S., Yamashita T., and Mohammed H., 2008. Study on the local air-sea interaction under typhoon by using non-hydrostatic atmosphere-ocean coupled model. Proc. of the 17th Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Vol.17, pp.208-211, Mokpo, Korea.
  172. Lee HS. The 2nd Techno Forum in Collaborative Research Center, Hiroshima University. 11 Dec. 2008 (Invited)
    • Title: The Environmental impacts assessment of Three Gorges Dam, China (Audience: about 30)
  173. Lee H.S. and Yamashita T., 2008. Regional Environment Simulator, IDEC, HU, International Conference on DELTAS, Shanghai, China, October 2008.
  174. Komaguchi, T., Mishima T., Yamashita T., Lee H.S., and Mohammed H., 2008. The university-business cooperation research regarding the utilization of the regional environment simulator.The 16th Symposium on Global Environment, JSCE, Okayama, August 2008
  175. Lee H.S. and Yamashita T., 2007. Regional Simulator for the Storm Weather-Ocean States, Proc. of the 14th Pacific-Asian Marginal Sea /Japan and East China Seas (PAMS/JECS), Hiroshima, May 2007.
  176. Yamashita, T., Lee H.S., and Mohammed H., 2006. Asian Environmental Simulator, Third Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, pp. 1-11, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, November.
  177. Lee H.S., Kim K.O., and Yamashita T., 2005. Hindcast of abnormal high waves in Japan/East Sea by MM5-WW3 coupled model, Proc. of International Symposium on Fluvial and Coastal Disasters, Kyoto, Japan, 2005.

Symposiums and Workshops

  1. Lee HS, and Bhanage V. DeLCA SATREPS Climate Group Workshop, BMKG, Jakrata, Indonesia, 22 – 30 Nov. 2022
    • Theme: WRF, WRF-UCM, WRF Data Assimilation (WRFDA) (Participants: about 15)
  2. Lee HS. The 4th Tenure-Track Symposium, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan, 28 May 2015
    • Theme: Climate Change and its Impacts on Coastal Environment and Water Resources
    • Title: Regional relative sea level rise and uncertainty (Participants: about 40)
  3. Lee HS. Environment climate workshop, Department of Landscape Architecture, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, 25-28 August 2014
    • Title: Urban climate modeling with WRF (Participants: 6)
  4. Lee HS. Summer Course 2012 of GEL Education Program, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 08 August 2012
    • Title: Climate changes and climate modelling (Participants: about 50)
    • One of the top 3 excellent lectures among the Summer Course lectures based on the participant evaluation
  5. Lee HS. Training course, Department of Oceanography, Institute Technology Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, 22-26 Feb 2011
    • Title : Practical application of RES to the 2007 Jakarta Flood event (Participants: about 10)
  6. Lee HS. Summer Course 2009 of GEL Education Program, Hiroshima International Plaza, Higashi-Hiroshima, 7 August 2009
    • Title : Localizing Climate Assessment Modelling (Participants: about 60)

Hiroshima University Open Lecture

  1. 李 漢洙、広島大学公開講座、広島大学大学院国際協力研究科、2019年7月13
    • 「アジアの都市で今なにがおこっているか」:気候変動と災害の視点:バングラデシュ・インドネシアを事例に
  2. Lee HS. Hiroshima University Open Lecture, Hiroshima Citizen Plaza Room C, Hiroshima, 11 June 2010
    • Title : Simulations of the climate change (Participants: about 60)