Doctoral course(博士課程後期)

- Radyan Putra Pradana (D3)
- Research topic:
- Projection of Indonesian urban climate with dynamic downscaling with WRF
- Future TMY for major Indonesian cities
- Long-term trend and climate variability for Indonesian cities
- Relationship between urban climate and regional climate index
- Research interests: Land-Ocean-Atmosphere interaction, renewable energy and environmental issues.
- Hobby: Singing, travelling and culinary
- Google Scholar

- Chisale Sylvester William (D3)
- Research topic: Renewable Energy Integration in Power Grids: A case study of Malawian cities
- Research interests: Renewable Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon Technology, Energy Management, energy system design and optimization, water-energy nexus, Internet of Things (IoT), Power systems and smart grid.
- Hobby: Watching movies, music, writing, travelling
- HU Excellent Student Scholarship 2023 Awardee
- Google Scholar

- Faiz Rohman Fajary (D3)
- Research Topic: Generation of future Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) for designing low-carbon buildings in the tropical climate by using dynamical downscaling
- Research Interest: Climate projection, Dynamical downscaling, Dynamic meteorology, Tropical climate
- Hobby: Futsal and badminton
- Google Scholar

- Manuel Soto Calvo (D2)
- Research topic: Design of the first electrical power system fully based on renewable energy sources for an island system of the Cuba Republic
- Research interests: Renewable Energy Systems, Electrical Supply, Smart Grids, Energetic Efficiency, Artificial Intelligence
- Hobby: Play sports, Wildlife Photography, Hiking
- Google Scholar, Research Gate

- Zachary Williams (D2)
- Research topic: Assessment and Optimization of Potential Power Generation from Renewable Energy Resources in Jamaica Considering Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study of an Island Nation
- Research interests: Climate Change, Renewable energy, Sustainable Development, Renewable Energy Powered Desalination
- Hobby: Playing sports, Travelling, Listening to music
- Google Scholar,

- Morhaf Aljber (D2)
- Research topic: Assessment of Tidal Power Potential in the Seto Inland Sea with Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)
- Research interests: Fluid-structure interaction and modelling, CFD
- Hobby: Playing sports, travelling, reading, and hiking
- HU Excellent student scholarship 2022 awardee
- Google Scholar

- Ariuntuya Byambadorj (D2)
- Research topic: Sustainable urban development strategy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, with green infrastructure for urban climate and urban energy consumption
- Research interests: Urban planning and development, climate change, model development, GIS, data analysis
- Hobby: Hiking, gardening
- Google Scholar

- Ahmad Tamim Samim (D1)
- Research topic: Estimation and projection of urban flooding considering sediment discharge, environmental issues, and nutrients: A case study of the Ota River Flood 2018, Hiroshima
- Research interests: Integrated Water Resource Management, Flood Risk Management and Mitigation and Drought Management and Adaptation Strategies
- Hobby: Playing volleyball, Fishing and Gardening
- Google Scholar

- Gandhi Napitupulu (D1)
- Research topic: Estimation of blue carbon potential in the Seto Inland Sea using high-resolution ocean modelling with SCHISM and field measurements
- Research interests: renewable energy from ocean
- Hobby: Listening to music, swimming, reading
- Google Scholar
Master course(博士課程前期)

- Arif Kaiser (M2)
- Research topic: Study the feasibility of On-Grid Solar PV system installation on roof tops of public and private offices in Bangladesh with net metering
- Research interests: Renewable energy, Sustainable environment
- Hobby: Reading, Watching movies, Travelling

- Bunnarath Ouch (M2)
- Research topic: A study on the relationship between port infrastructure master plan and drainage issues
- Research interests: Contributing to developing a green city of Port along the Mekong River and improving the environment city is better for tourism and the economy.
- Hobby: Travel

- Seiha Khan (M1)
- Research topic: Assessment of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Enhancing Solar Energy Reliability in Cambodia
- Research interests: Combination of renewable energy sources and
energy storage system, evaluation battery energy storage system. - Hobby: Reading Novel, Coding

- Ratheany Muon (M1)
- Research topic: Assessing the Potential of Wind Energy in Cambodia: An Analytical Study
- Research interests: Participate in expanding renewable energy
sources, reducing greenhouse gases, and advancing the energy sector. - Hobby: Playing Sports (Volleyball and Football)
Joint Degree Program

- Arianna Manzato (M1)
- Research topic: Leveraging Natural-Based Solutions and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Urban Development in the Face of Climate Change
- Research interests:
- Hobby:
Research students(研究生)

- Samy Remmouche (R)
- Research topic: Assessment and Mitigation of Flood Risks in Urban Areas: A Civil Engineering Approach
- Research interests: Flood Modeling, Climate Impact on Flooding, Maritime Infrastructures, Port and Harbor Resilience
- Hobby: Music production, Playing sports, Video games
Undergraduate course(学部)

- Kota Morishige (B4)
- Research topic: 自作漂流ブイによる広島湾およびその近海域における流れと沿岸環境モニタリング
- Research interests: TBD
- Hobby: Travel, Listening to music

- Taiga Watanabe (B4)
- Research topic: 広島湾および瀬戸内海における三次元流況解析に関する研究
- Research interests: TBD
- Hobby: Cycling
ILDP program/ Visiting/ Internship Students
If you are interested in and want to join the CHESS lab
Contact: Dr. Lee (leehs(at)