New publications

We have new publications from the efforts of the graduate members, Karodine, Khai, and Soklin as below.

Chreng K.Lee H.S.*, and Tuy S. 2022. Electricity demand prediction for sustainable development in Cambodia using recurrent neural networks with ERA5 reanalysis climate variables. Energy Rep., 8, 76-81. Open access

Khai L.Q., and Lee H.S.*, 2022. Efficiency assessment of technologies implementation in Vietnam power transmission system. Energy Rep., 8, 16-22. Open access

Tuy S.Lee H.S.*, and Chreng K. 2022. Offshore wind resource mapping in Cambodia: Sensitivity assessment of the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. Energy Rep., 8, 359-364. Open access

Congratulations !!!