Author Archive: jonathan

Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment using Maximum Entropy Model

This is a video presentation on how to make flood-prone areas using maximum entropy model. This is a raw video and not yet edited. Video 1: Video 2: For the complete datasets, kindly email the author.

Seminar on Reference Management Software for Referencing

Topics: Installation of Mendeley Utilizing web importer and desktop mendeley to download references. Citing related references using mendeley plugin in MS Word. Presenter: Jonathan Cabrera and Prof. Han Soo LEE Note: Sorry I don’t have our pictures during this seminar….
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One Day Matlab Workshop

Workshop Title: Matlab for Beginners Instructor: Riam Badriana Date: February 19, 2018; Room: IDEC 510 Topics: Introduction Course I  Basic Operation Course II  Plot Figure Course III  M-File Course IV  Big Data – Big Dimension Sample Output: Participants Activity Photos: