
Field trip to Hiroshima Chuo Eco Park

As a part of the coursework on Environmental Management, We made a field trip to Hiroshima Chuo Eco Park (HCEP) on 21 July. HCEP is a facility that treats waste from Higashi Hiroshima, Takehara, and Osakikamijima cities.HCEP strive to be…
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CHESS Lab Hiking

We had nice hiking and enjoy the nice weather, scenery and talks!!!

Field survey in Indonesia

1 Internship Title: “Data Collection and Field Survey of Tsunami Sunda Strait Cases (Pandeglang area, Indonesia)” 2 Objectives: In this field internship, the student will visit several places regarding coastal hazard prevention (tsunami, storm prevention, and flood control gates) in…
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Field survey in UB city, Mongolia

Period: 19th ~ 24th March 2018 Activity: Soil and surface water pollution in the Ger area of UB sity, Waste water treatment, Meetings at MUST, MNU, UB city government, JICA office, and so on.

Field internship for tsunami and storm surge prevention facilities

1.    Internship title: “Field internship for tsunami and storm surge prevention facilities” 2.    Objective: In this field internship, the student will visit several places regarding tsunami and storm prevention facilities in Osaka and Tokyo port. The knowledge from Kansai University…
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