
BMKG HPC setup completed

High-performance cluster (HPC) system in BMKG (national meteorological agency) of Indonesia was estblished by CHESS lab under the support by JST-JICA SATREPS project. (10 March 2023)

Gfs example

Small amplitude solitary wave interacting with a parabolic hump Link

Masking out a variable below a particular value using Grads

How to mask out a certain region below a particular water depth or above a particular elevation with dataset. is a global topographic and bathymetric chart with 15 arc-sec resolution which can be obtained from Below is…
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Gerris in parallel run

Example of single run of Gerris $ gerris3D -m tides.gfs | gfsview3D tides.gfv In parallel run $ gerris3D -m -s 1 tides.gfs > tidess.gfs $ gerris3D -b 4 tidess.gfs > tidesb.gfs $ mpirun -np 4 gerris3D tidesb.gfs

Tips for Gfs tide modelling for checking the bathymetry input #!/bin/sh infn=bathymetry # xyz file psfn=bathy region=156.75/210/-65/-23.75/-9500/5 gmt psxyz $infn -JQ180/15 -JZ5c -Bx5+llong -By5+llat -Bz2500+lbathymetry -B+t”3D bathymetry” -R$region -Sc0.025 -Ggray -p135/70 -W -P -V > $psfn.eps gs $psfn.eps for checking the M2 tide…
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How to setup a Gerris server

In this setup example, we used the Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) OS system on a dedicated workstation. Using the pre-built package In Ubuntu 18.04 system, type the followings: $ sudo apt install gerris But, the pre-built package does not include…
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How to compile FVCOM4.3 (mpi mode)

This is a technical note on how to build and execute FVCOM 4.3 in parallel mode using Intel compilers on CHESS lab HPC at Hiroshima University. Suppose the source code exists in fvcom43/FVCOM_source, and fvcom43/Examples/Estuary is a selected test case. Preparation for METIS…
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How to compile FVCOM4.3 (Series mode)

This is a technical note on how to build and execute FVCOM 4.3 in series mode using Intel compilers on CHESS lab HPC at Hiroshima University. Suppose the source code exists in fvcom43/FVCOM_source, and fvcom43/Examples/River plume is a selected test case. Check line…
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