
[Invited seminar] Prof. Miguel Esteban

IDEC SEMINAR SERIES #46 / PHIS SEMINAR SERIES #24 “Real adaptation to sea level rise around the world, and how can Japan decarbonize to help mitigation” Speaker: Miguel Esteban (PhD, Prof), Waseda University Date: 29th Jan 2024 15:00 – 18:00…
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Invited lecture

An invited lecture was delivered at ITB Cirebon Campus, Indonesia. Date: 8 September 2023 Venue: ITB Cirebon Campus, Indonesia Title: “Abnormal tide and Internal Seiche in Hiroshima Bay” by Han Soo Lee

Field trip

As a part of Energy Science and Technology course work, we visited the Nukui Dam in Hiroshima Prefecture. The Nukui Dam is the second largest Arch Dam in Japan.

広島大学公開講座 HU Open Lecture

「アジアの都市で今なにがおこっているか」 「3回」気候変動と災害の視点:バングラデシュ・インドネシアを事例に 2019年7月13日、国際協力研究科、李 漢洙 資料:ファイルサイズのため、ホームページ載せることができません。個人対応しますので、李までご連絡をお願いします。(leehs@hiroshima-u.ac.jp)

Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment using Maximum Entropy Model

This is a video presentation on how to make flood-prone areas using maximum entropy model. This is a raw video and not yet edited. Video 1: https://youtu.be/5qRKqEHh_OI Video 2: https://youtu.be/jxpUv9pEpWk For the complete datasets, kindly email the author.

[Lab visiting] Kyungwoon University, Korea

A group of visitors from the Department of Safety and Disaster Prevention, Kyungwoon University, Korea visited Hiroshima University Date: 8th August, 2018 Venue: IDEC#E203 Visitors: 9 members (Prof. Jinsang Hwang and 8 students) Discussion: Hazard, vulnerability, exposure, and risk