talk 1 | talk 2 | talk 3 | talk 4 | talk 5 | talk 6 | talk 7 | 20th/Feb. | Inclusive processes from lattice QCD Shoji Hashimoto Talk File | Hadronic Vacuum Polarization contribution to muon g-2 Satoshi Tanaka Talk File |
A review of chiral phase transition in the 1+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model Sakura Itatani Talk File | Recent results from ALICE Experiment Sadhana Dash Talk File | Constraints on doublet left-right symmetric models from Higgs data Siddhartha Karmakar Talk File | Comprehensive Analysis of equivalence classes in 5D SU(N) gauge theory with S^1/Z_2 compact space Kota Takeuchi Talk File | CP Violation due to a Majorana Phase in two flavor neutrino oscillations with decays Khushboo Dixit Talk File |
21th/Feb. | Lifetimes of B-mesons in the context of the B->DM puzzle Hiroyuki Umeeda Talk File |
Relativistic Hydrodynamic Model in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions Chiho Nonaka Talk File | Chemical and Thermal Equilibration of QGP in Heavy Ion Collisions Cendikia Abdi: Talk File | Accessing linearly polarized gluon TMD in back to back J/$\psi$ and Jet production Amol Pawar Talk File | Is there an early Universe solution to Hubble Tension? Ruchika Koushik: Talk File | Heavy quark transport coefficients in viscous quark gluon plasma Adiba Shaikh: Talk File |
The W boson mass anomaly in the extension of the minimal SU(5) GUT model Shonosuke Takeshita Talk File |
22th/Feb. | Astrometric Microlensing of Primordial Black Holes with Gaia Himanshu Verma Talk File |
Lepton flavor model and analysis with 3HDM Yukimura Izawa Talk File |
Cosmological aspects of massive neutrino self-interactions: Hubble tension and inflation Shouvik Roy Choudhury: Talk File | Basic idea of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory and application to the Gross-Witten-Wadia model Hironori Takei Talk File |
Study of Weak Basis Invariants, Hierarchy Limit,and Effective Theory in the Universal Seesaw Model Albertus Hariwangsa Panuluh Talk File |