JST/IST | 26th Oct.(Mon) | 27th Oct.(Tue.) | 28th Oct.(Wed.) | 29th Oct.(Thur.) | 30th Oct.(Fri.) | 13:00-14:00 9:30-10:30 | S. Uma Sankar Degeneracies in Long baseline Neutrino Oscillations Talk File | Urjit Yajnik Unified Models for neutrinos Talk File | Takuya Morozumi Lepton number violation in a unified framework (Revised) Talk File | Yusuke Shimizu Origin of flavor structures for elementary particles Talk File | Kei Yamamoto Flavor Symmetry in New Physics Talk File |
14:30-15:00 11:00-11:30 | Ushak Rahaman Matter vs Vacuum oscillations at longbaseline experiments Talk File |
Prativa Pritimita A comparative study of neutrinoless double beta decay in symmetric and asymmetric left-right model Talk File | Nicolas James Benoit A Study of Renormalization Group Effects on the Mass of the Lightest Neutrino Talk File | Hiromu Shimoji Phase structure in Gross-Neveu model at finite density on torus Talk File | Yuta Kawamura Effective Action model for two Higgs doublet model with small Dirac Neutrino mass Talk File |
15:00-15:30 11:30-12:00 | Jaydeep Datta Matter vs Vacuum oscillations with Atmospheric Neutrinos Talk File | Supriya Senapati Explanation of neutrino mass and muon (g-2) in an U(1)_{L_mu - L_tau} extended left-right symmetric theory Talk File | Discussion Time | Yusuke Shimizu Modular A4 flavor model Talk File | Discussion Time |
15:30-16:00 12:00-12:30 | Jai More Charged Lepton Flavour Violation in an A4 neutrino mass model Talk File | Chayan Majumdar Neutrino mass, neutrinoless double beta decay signature in doublet left-right symmetric theories and its cosmological implications Talk File | Nicolas James Benoit Dirac Neutrino Lepton number in a unified framework Talk File | Nicolas James Benoit Initial Time Renormalization of a Non-Equilibrium Effective Field Theory Talk File | Matsuo Yamato Linear correction for four fermi interaction model in Magnetic field Talk File |