English Version

Fuminori NAKATSUBO, Ph.D.
Personal Information
Date of Birth: 09/09/66Nationallity: Japanese
Office Address: 1-1-1 Kagamiyama Higashi-Hiroshima, JAPAN, 739-8524
Office Phone: +81-82-424-6885
Office Fax: +81-82-424-5261
Email: nakatsub@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Area of Interest
- Early Childhood Teachers' Professionalism
- Qualitative Methodology in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Collaboration between Early Childhood Teachers and Researchers
- Emotional Practice of Early Childhood Teaching
- Design of Case Conferences for Early Childhood Teachers
- Methodologies for Understanding a Young Child
- The Relations between Early Childhood Education and Care Quality and Development of Young Children
- Ph.D: Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Hiroshima University
- M.A: Master of Education, Hiroshima University
- B.A.: Bachelor of Education, Nagasaki University
Academic Positions
- Professor of Hiroshima University. 2021-
- Associate Professor of Hiroshima University. 2007-2021
- Associate Professor of Meisei University. 2005-2007
- Associate Professor of University of Ryukyus. 2001-2005
- Assistant Professor of Hiroshima University. 1999-2001
Awards and Honors
- International Association of Early Childhood Education “Academic Society Award” 2018
- The Japanese Society for the Education of Young Children "Academic Award" 2015
- Korean Society for Early Childhood Education 8th Biennial International Conference "Excellent Poster Award" 2014
- International Association of Early Childhood Education "Academic Award" 2005
- Hide Onuki Award" 2003
- The Japanese Society for the Education of Young Children "Research Encouragement Award" 2002
Publications (These are written in English, written in Japanese are not included.)
- Weijie Zhou, Fuminori Nakatsubo, Jingchi Wu and Kun Liu “Digital Ethnography of an Online Professional Learning Community Based on WeChat for Chinese Early Childhood teachers.” Computers & Education. Vol.191 (In Press)(Joint Study)(SSCI: Social Science Citation Index Journal).
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda and Misa Kayama 2021 “Why Don’t Japanese Early Childhood Educators Intervene in Children’s Physical Fights?: Some Characteristics of the Mimamoru Approach.” Early Childhood Education Journal. (in press)(Joint Study)(SSCI: Social Science Citation Index Journal).
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda Takako Yoshida, Mariko Inoue, Sayaka Nakanishi Aiichiro Sakai and Lok-Wah Li 2021 “The Educational Intention behind Non-Intervention: A Case on the Japanese Mimamoru Approach as Early Childhood Teachers’ Professionalism.” Croatian Journal of Education. (in press)(Joint Study)(SSCI: Social Science Citation Index Journal)
- Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Maho Yodozawa and Fuminori Nakatsubo 2019 “Common Characteristics of Innovative Oedagogical Approach in Early Childhood Education in the Asia-Pacific Region.” International Journal of Early Childhood Education. Vol.26, pp.109-124(Joint Study)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo 2019 “ECEC Quality in Japan” The Annual of Research on Early Childhood. Vol.41 pp.23-27
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Tokie Masuda, Katsuo Yasumi, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa 2014 "How Do the Kindergarten Teachers Narrate Regarding the Recognition and Expression of Emotion Through the Video of Early Childhood Education and Care Practice?: Focus on a Clean-up Time Video Scene." Current Issues and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education. Vol.1 Summer 2014 pp.71-76(Joint Study: First Author)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Tokie Masuda, Katsuo Yasumi, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa 2010 "A Comparative Study of Characteristics of Teachers' Narratives Regarding Recognition and Expression of Emotion among Japanese Kindergartens: Analysis of Teachers' Narratives of Video Viewing." International Journal of Early Childhood Education. Vol.16 No.2 2010 pp.117-132
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Yoshihiko Enosawa and Yoko Nagata 2010 "Japanese Early Childhood Teachers' Views of Changes in Young Children's Lifestyles and Relationships with Parents." Asia- Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education. Vol.4 No.1 2010 pp.87-105
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Katsuo Yasumi, Tokie Masuda, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa 2009 "A Study of the Involvement of Japanese Early Childhood Teachers in Clean-up Time." Asia- Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education. Vol.3 No.1 2009 pp.69-85
Keynote Speech or Invited Lecture (These are in International Conference, Japanese Conferences are not included.)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, “The MIMAMORU Approach to Stimulation of Early Childhood Development in Japan” IGTKI-EDUCA Indonesia 2023 Online Seminar. “International Conference of Early Childhood Education in 2023” (Virtual)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Dinh Thi Thu Hang, Moyo Sheilla, Zhou Weijie, Yuri Masuda, Tomochika Kimioka “Hiroshima University Forest Kindergarten, Japan” NATSTART Nature-Based Early Learning 2021 Virtual Conference, Virtual Site Tours (USA, Virtual)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (June 2021) “The Educational Intention Behind Non-intervention: A Case on the Japanese Mimamoru Approach as Early Childhood teachers’ Professionalism” MAPECE International Conference on Early Childhood Care and education 2021, Keynote Speech. (Virtual)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (August 2019) “Social and Cultural Practices inherent in Japanese and US Early Childhood Education and Care” 40th Annual International Association of Early Childhood Education Conference, Keynote Speech, (Hiro, Hawai’i)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (June 2019) “Early Childhood Education and Care That Refkects Culture: Japanese Mimamoru Approach” IGTKI-EDUCA Indonesia 2019 International Conference, Keynote Speech, (Jakarta, Indonesia)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (March 2017) “Do You Intervene Immediately or Wait and See in a Conflict Situation among Young Children? : Japanese Teachers’ Professionalism as Recognized by US Teachers” PECERA HK (Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association Hong Kong), (Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo and Motoyoshi Nakamaru (December 2014) “The Role of Teachers in Promoting Collaboration and Creativity of Young Children”ARNEC(Asia-Pasific Regional Network for Early Childhood) ECD Conference, (Manyla, Philipine)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (May 2014) “The role of the teacher in promoting collaboration and creativity in young children” N MAPECE (MALAYSIA Association of Professional Early Childhood Educatiors), International Conference on Early Childhood 10th Anniversary of MAPECE, (Petaling Jaya, Mayaysia)
Symposium (These are in International Conference, Japanese Conference are not included.)
- Kanako Tsuchiya, Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda and Takako Yoshida (Nobember 2016) "Problem Solving Skill Development and Teachers' Intervention: How long would you wait in confrict situation" NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Los Angels CA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda, Kanako Tsyuchiya and Takako Yoshida (Nobember 2014) “Promoting the Problem Solving by Young Children, Do You Intervene Immediately or No?: Japanese Mimamoru Approach as the Teachers' Professionalism”NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Dallas, TX)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda and Misa Kayama (June 2014) “Why Do Japanese Teachers Control Their Emotions in Facilitating Young Children’s Problem Solving?: Amazing Japanese Mimamoru Approach as the Early Childhood Teachers' Professionalism” NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) for Early Childhood Professional Development, (Minneapolis, Minnesota USA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo Harutomo Ueda Takako Yoshida and Kanako Tsyuchiya (November, 2013) "How Do You Intervene in Conflict Situation of Young Children?: Amazing Japanese Mimamoru Approach as the Teachers' Professionalism" NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Washington, D.C., District of Columbia)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo Harutomo Ueda and Mariko Inoue (November, 2012) “How Do the US Teachers Recognize the Japanese Teachers' Professionalism?: Japanese Mimamoru Approach in Early Childhood Education and Care” NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo Harutomo Ueda, Takako Yoshida and Mariko Inoue (November, 2011) “Why do Japanese Early Childhood Teachers Lead or Intervene with Young Children Differently from American Teachers?: The Mimamoru Methodology and Professionalism in Early Childhood Education and Care in Japan” NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Orlando, FLORIDA)
- Junko Minowa, Kiyomi Akita, Katsuo Yasumi, Tokie Masuda, Fuminori Nakatsubo and Fumiko Sunagami (August, 2008) “ Professional Development and Evaluation of Qualities of Care and Education: Discourse between Asia and Europe: Perception of Quality of Care and Education in the Particular Activities: Analysis of Clean-up Time in Japanese Preschools” 18th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Stavanger, NORWAY)
Oral Presentations (These are in International Conference, Japanese Conference are not included.)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Takeshi Hida, Chiharu Uchida and Nozomi Kato (November 2023) “How Do Nursery Teachers in the U.S. View a Japanese Nursery Teacher Who uses Her Back to Interaction with Infants and Toddlers?” (International Association of Early Childhood Education 42nd Conference 2023) (Bangkok, Thailand)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Nozomi Kato, Hehong Quan, Takeshi Hida, Chiharu Uchida and Jingyu He (January 2023) “Why do the Japanese Early Childhood Teachers Give Young Children Compete in the “Sports Day”?: Focusing on the Case of Class Competition” (The 21th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education 2023) (Hawaii, USA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Nozomi Kato, Hehong Quan, Takeshi Hida, Chiharu Uchida and Jingyu He (September 2021) “How Do Early Childhood Teachers in the U.S. View the Class Competition by Five-Year-Olds at the Japanese Sports Day?” (International Association of Early Childhood Education 42nd Conference 2021) (Web Conference)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda, and Misa Kayama (November 2020) “Why Don’t Japanese Early Childhood Educators Intervene in Children’s Physical Fights? Some Characteristics of the Mimamoru Approach” (Early Childhood VoicesConference 2020) (Web Conference)
- Dinh Thi Thu Hang, and Fuminori Nakatsubo (November 2020) “A Case Study on Teacher- Child Verbal Interaction of Intensive Science Education Activity in Vietnamese Preschool Classroom” (Early Childhood VoicesConference 2020) (Web Conference
- Fuminori Nakatsubo and Katsuko Mizuno (September 2019) “A Case Study of the Japanese Nursery Teacher Approaching the Infant and Toddlers Using her Back ” OMEP (World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) Asia Pacific Regional Conference, (kyoto, Japan)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, & Wen-Huei Hsieh (July 2019) “How do the Taiwanese teachers recognize the “Class Competition” in Japanese ECEC: Focusing on the teachers’ involvement” PECERA (Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Taipei, TAIWAN)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, & Wen-Huei Hsieh (July 2019) “How do the Taiwanese teachers recognize the “Class Competition” in Japanese ECEC: Focusing on the teachers’ involvement” PECERA (Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Taipei, TAIWAN)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (Aug 2018) “Class Competition in ECEC: Do you think appropriate or inappropriate?”
EECERA (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Bdapest, HANGARY) - Hang Dinh Thi Thu and Fuminori Nakatsubo (July 2017) “Environmental Protection for Sustainability Development via Scientific Activity: A Case Study in Vietnam Early Childhood Education” 15th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Cebu,Philippine)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (July 2015) “Experiences of Young Children’s Various Emotions Promote Their Collaboration and Creativity” OMEP (World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) XXVI World Congress, (Washington DC, US)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Masatoshi Suzuki, Takako Noguchi, Harutomo Ueda, Kinoymi Akita, Yutaka Oda, Takashi Mutoh, Hiroshi Ashida, Riyo Kadota, Junko Minowa, and Nobuko Mori (August, 2013) “Reflecting on the Early Childhood Environment Using PEMQ: Focus on the Language Environment” 23th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Tallinn, EATONIA)
- Harutomo Ueda and Fuminori Nakatsubo (August, 2013) “How do the Foreign Teachers Recognize the Japanese Mimamoru Approach?” 23th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Tallinn, EATONIA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (July 2013) “Japanese Early Childhood Teachers Professionalism as Emotional Practitioner: Focus on the Japanese Mimamoru Approach” OMEP(World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) XXVI World Congress, (Shanghai, China)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, and Harutomo Ueda (August, 2012) “Why do Japanese Early Childhood Teachers Not Intervene for Young Children Even Though They Have the Educational Intention? -Theory and Practice of Japanese Mimamoru Approach-” 22th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Oporto, PORTUGAL)
- Kiyomi Akita, Fuminori Nakatsubo, Tokie Masuda and Katsuo Yasumi, Fumiko Sunagami, Junko Minowa (August, 2012) “Elements of Case Conferences that are Considered Important to the Professional Development of Japanese Preschool Teachers: Differences Arising from Duration of Work Experience” 22th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Oporto, PORTUGAL)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Fumiko Sunagami, Junko Minowa, Tokie Masuda and Katsuo Yasumi (August, 2011) “An Analysis of the Content of Teachers’ Narratives Regarding the Recognition and Expression of Emotion among Japanese Kindergartens” 21th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Geneva-Lausanne, SWITZERLAND)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Aki Ogawa and Kinu Suwa (July, 2011) “Emotional Labor as a Nursery School Teacher’s Strategy Supporting a Highly-Educated Older Mother” 12th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Kobe, Japan)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Fumiko Sunagami, Junko Minowa, Tokie Masuda and Katsuo Yasumi (August, 2010) “A Comparative Study about Characteristics of Teachers’ Narratives regarding Recognition and Expression of Emotion in Four Japanese Kindergartens” OMEP(World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) XXVI World Congress, (Goteborg, Sweden)
- Siew Siew Kim and Fuminori Nakatsubo (July, 2010) “The Perception of Preschool Educators towards “Learning through Play” in Malaysia and Japan” 11th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Hangzhou, CHINA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Katsuo Yasumi, Tokie Masuda, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa (August, 2009) “Practical knowledge in preschool teachers’ narratives: An analysis of teachers’ narratives about the video “Clean-up Time” 19th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Strasbourg, FRANCE)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Katsuo Yasumi, Tokie Masuda, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa (August, 2008) “ A Study of the Involvement of Early Childhood Educators in Two Scenarios: Arguments Between Children and Clean-up Time” 18th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Stavanger, NORWAY)
Poster Presentations (These are in International Conference, Japanese Conference are not included.)
- Junko Minowa, Takako Noguchi, Kiyomi Akita, Riyo Kadota, Masatoshi Suzuki, Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda, Yumi Yodogawa and Yoshiyuki Mukuda (August 2023) “What ECEC Teachers and Leaders Learn in PD Training in Japan?” European Early Childhood Education Research Association 31st Annual Conference, (Lisbon / Portugal)
- Takako Noguchi, Harutomo Ueda, Yoshiyuki Mukuda, Kiyomi Akita, Riyo Kadota, Masatoshi Suzuki, Fuminori Nakatsubo, and Junko Minowa (August 2023) “Effective Management Strategies Perceived by Daycare Center Directors: Exploration of Dialogues and Wellbeing” European Early Childhood Education Research Association 31st Annual Conference, (Lisbon / Portugal)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda and Lok-Wah Li (Nobember 2018) “Teachers’ professionalism as sites of cultural reflection in early childhood education and care: How long would you wait in conflict situations of young children?” NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Washington, D.C., District of Columbia)
- Hang Dinh Thi Thu, Maho Yodozawa and Fuminori Nakatsubo (March 2018 “Common Characteristics of Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Early Childhood Education in the Asia-Pacific Region” HKBU-HU 1st Joint Symposium on Education: Educational Practices and Innovations: Experiences of Japan and Hong Kong, (Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Maho Yodozawa, Hang Dinh Thi Thu and Fuminori Nakatsubo (March 2018 “The Possibility of the Quality Rating Scales in ECEC for Defining Common Characteristics of Asia-Pasific Region: Using ECERS-3 and SSTEW” HKBU-HU 1st Joint Symposium on Education: Educational Practices and Innovations: Experiences of Japan and Hong Kong, (Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda, Kanako Tsyuchiya and Takako Yoshida (Nobember 2015) “Do You Intervene Immediately or Keep Waiting in the Conflict Situation of Young Children?: Japanese Mimamoru Approach as the Teachers' Professionalism” NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Orland, FL)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (August 2014) “Why do the collaboration of young children lead to their creativity?”KSECE(Korean Society for Early Childhood Education) 8th Biennial International Conference, (Seoul, Korea)
- Tetsuji Kamiya, Yuichi Toda Fuminori Nakatsubo, and Kinu Suwa (August, 2011) “Emotional Labour and Vocational Career Development of Nursery School Teachers” 15th EEDP(European Conference in Developmental Psychology), (Bergen, NORWAY)
- Noriko Gotoh, Harutomo Ueda, Taku Kosokabe and Fuminori Nakatsubo (July, 2011) “Studies of Cases of SHOKUIKU Conforming to PDCA-cycle Starting from Understanding Children in a Nursery School ” 12th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Kobe, Japan)
- Ai-ichiro Sakai, Fuminori Nakatsubo and Sayaka Nakanishi (July, 2011) “A Study of the Challenge Activities of Young Children in Natural Environments: On the Elements of Inhibition related to Challenge” 12th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Kobe, Japan)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Aki Ogawa, and Kinu Suwa (Octorber, 2010) “A Nursery School Teacher’s Emotional Labor in Support of the Highly Educated and Older Mother” KSECE(Korean Society for Early Childhood Education) 6th Biennial International Conference, (Busan, Korea)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (July, 2009) “A Study of "Interpretive Analysis" as a Method to Promote Early Childhood Teachers' Reflections: A Collaboration of Teachers and a Researcher: Mediated Ethnographic Film” 10th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Manila, PHILIPINES)
Oral or Poster Presentations (In English Only)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Harutomo Ueda, Kanako Tsyuchiya and Takako Yoshida (Nobember 2015) "Do You Intervene Immediately or Keep Waiting in the Conflict Situation of Young Children?: Japanese Mimamoru Approach as the Teachers' Professionalism" NAEYC(National Association for the Education of Young Children) ANNUAL CONFERENCE and Expo, (Orland, FL)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (July 2015) "Experiences of Young Children's Various Emotions Promote Their Collaboration and Creativity" OMEP (World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) XXVI World Congress, (Washington DC, US)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo and Motoyoshi Nakamaru (December 2014) "The Role of Teachers in Promoting Collaboration and Creativity of Young Children"ARNEC(Asia-Pasific Regional Network for Early Childhood) ECD Conference, (Manyla, Philipine)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (August 2014) "Why do the collaboration of young children lead to their creativity?"KSECE(Korean Society for Early Childhood Education) 8th Biennial International Conference, (Seoul, Korea)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (May 2014) "The role of the teacher in promoting collaboration and creativity in young children" MAPECE (Association of Professional Early Childhood Educatiors, MALAYSIA International Conference on Early Childhood 10th Anniversary of MAPECE, (Petaling Jaya, Mayaysia)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Masatoshi Suzuki, Takako Noguchi, Harutomo Ueda, Kinoymi Akita, Yutaka Oda, Takashi Mutoh, Hiroshi Ashida, Riyo Kadota, Junko Minowa, and Nobuko Mori (August, 2013) "Reflecting on the Early Childhood Environment Using PEMQ: Focus on the Language Environment" 23th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Tallinn, EATONIA)
- Harutomo Ueda and Fuminori Nakatsubo (August, 2013) "How do the Foreign Teachers Recognize the Japanese Mimamoru Approach?" 23th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Tallinn, EATONIA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (July 2013) "Japanese Early Childhood Teachers Professionalism as Emotional Practitioner: Focus on the Japanese Mimamoru Approach" OMEP(World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) XXVI World Congress, (Shanghai, China)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, and Harutomo Ueda (August, 2012) "Why do Japanese Early Childhood Teachers Not Intervene for Young Children Even Though They Have the Educational Intention? -Theory and Practice of Japanese Mimamoru Approach-" 22th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Oporto, PORTUGAL)
- Kiyomi Akita, Fuminori Nakatsubo, Tokie Masuda and Katsuo Yasumi, Fumiko Sunagami, Junko Minowa (August, 2012) "Elements of Case Conferences that are Considered Important to the Professional Development of Japanese Preschool Teachers: Differences Arising from Duration of Work Experience" 22th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Oporto, PORTUGAL)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Fumiko Sunagami, Junko Minowa, Tokie Masuda and Katsuo Yasumi (August, 2011) "An Analysis of the Content of Teachers' Narratives Regarding the Recognition and Expression of Emotion among Japanese Kindergartens" 21th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Geneva-Lausanne, SWITZERLAND)
- Tetsuji Kamiya, Yuichi Toda Fuminori Nakatsubo, and Kinu Suwa (August, 2011) "Emotional Labour and Vocational Career Development of Nursery School Teachers" 15th EEDP(European Conference in Developmental Psychology), (Bergen, NORWAY)
- Noriko Gotoh, Harutomo Ueda, Taku Kosokabe and Fuminori Nakatsubo (July, 2011) "Studies of Cases of SHOKUIKU Conforming to PDCA-cycle Starting from Understanding Children in a Nursery School " 12th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Kobe, Japan)
- Ai-ichiro Sakai, Fuminori Nakatsubo and Sayaka Nakanishi (July, 2011) "A Study of the Challenge Activities of Young Children in Natural Environments: On the Elements of Inhibition related to Challenge" 12th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Kobe, Japan)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Aki Ogawa and Kinu Suwa (July, 2011) "Emotional Labor as a Nursery School Teacher's Strategy Supporting a Highly-Educated Older Mother" 12th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Kobe, Japan)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Aki Ogawa, and Kinu Suwa (Octorber, 2010) "A Nursery School Teacher's Emotional Labor in Support of the Highly Educated and Older Mother" KSECE(Korean Society for Early Childhood Education) 6th Biennial International Conference, (Busan, Korea)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Fumiko Sunagami, Junko Minowa, Tokie Masuda and Katsuo Yasumi (August, 2010) "A Comparative Study about Characteristics of Teachers' Narratives regarding Recognition and Expression of Emotion in Four Japanese Kindergartens" OMEP(World Ogranization for Early Childhood Education) XXVI World Congress, (Goteborg, Sweden)
- Siew Siew Kim and Fuminori Nakatsubo (July, 2010) "The Perception of Preschool Educators towards "Learning through Play" in Malaysia and Japan" 11th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Hangzhou, CHINA)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Katsuo Yasumi, Tokie Masuda, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa (August, 2009) "Practical knowledge in preschool teachers' narratives: An analysis of teachers' narratives about the video "Clean-up Time" 19th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Strasbourg, FRANCE)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo (July, 2009) "A Study of "Interpretive Analysis" as a Method to Promote Early Childhood Teachers' Reflections: A Collaboration of Teachers and a Researcher: Mediated Ethnographic Film" 10th PECERA(Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Manila, PHILIPINES)
- Fuminori Nakatsubo, Kiyomi Akita, Katsuo Yasumi, Tokie Masuda, Fumiko Sunagami and Junko Minowa (August, 2008) " A Study of the Involvement of Early Childhood Educators in Two Scenarios: Arguments Between Children and Clean-up Time" 18th EECERA(European Early Childhood Education Research Association) ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (Stavanger, NORWAY)