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Field survey in UB city, Mongolia

Period: 22nd ~ 27th September 2017 Activity: Waste water treatment facility, Ger area environment (soil and surface water pollution)

[Laboratory Visiting] Kyungwoon University, Korea

A group of visitors from the Department of Safety and Disaster Prevention, Kyungwoon University, Korea visited Hiroshima University Date: 31st July, 2017 Venue: IDEC#E201 Visitors: 9 members (Prof. Jinsang Hwang and 8 students) Discussion: Natural hazards and disaster mitigation researches in…
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[Conference] ISOPE2017

  Date: 25th June ~ 1st July, 2017 Venue: San Francisco, CA, U.S. Presentations: 1. “Sea-level records analysis with improved empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and artificial neural network (ANN)” 2. “Tsunami Run-up Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Monai Valley Benchmark…
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