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Computational Data

Algebraic surfaces

Lattices, Codes, and Graphs

The automorphism group of an Apéry-Fermi K3 surface

(added 2025/02/16)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: (19.5MB)

Zariski pairs on cubic surfaces

(added 2024/01/29)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: ZPcubic.txt (682KB)

Mordell-Weil groups and automorphism groups of elliptic K3 surfaces

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: CompDataXfg.txt (18.6MB)

Automorphism groups of certain Enriques surfaces (joint work with Simon Brandhorst)

Paper: pdf

Full table of elliptic fibrations: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: (107.3MB)

On characteristic polynomials of automorphisms of Enriques surfaces (joint work with Simon Brandhorst and Sławomir Rams)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data:

A note on configurations of (-2)-vectors on Enriques surfaces

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: L10L26compdata2.txt

15-nodal quartic surfaces. Part II: The automorphism group (joint work with Igor Dolgachev)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: 15nodalcompdata.txt

Borcherds' method for Enriques surfaces (joint work with Simon Brandhorst)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: L10L26compdata.txt

Enriques involutions on singular K3 surfaces of small discriminants (joint work with Davide Cesare Veniani)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: zipped file (18.4MB)

The table of lattices M^{144}_{10,3}, ... N^{0,274}_{10,2048} in Section 3 of the paper. latticetable.pdf (41KB)

The elliptic modular surface of level 4 and its reduction modulo 3

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: zipped file (21MB)

Rational double points on Enriques surfaces

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: zipped file of the folder RDPEnriquesFolder (1.1MB)

A note on Mirand-Morrison theory: pdf

This note presents a simple part of the computations for the connected components of the moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces.

On an Enriques surface associated with a quartic Hessian surface

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: zipped text (36MB) : zipped folder (37MB)

Connected components of the moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: text

A note on Mirand-Morrison theory (a simple part of the computation): pdf

On a smooth quartic surface containing 56 lines which is isomorphic as a K3 surface to the Fermat quartic (joint work with Tetsuji Shioda)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data: text

Automorphisms of supersingular K3 surfaces and Salem polynomials

Paper: Automorphisms of supersingular K3 surfaces and Salem polynomials pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The computational data:
compdataIS0.txt datas for p<100 (18 MB)
sigma10IS17.txt datas for 17000< p<=17389 and sigma=10 (2.6 MB) zip file (Removed from the disc. Available upon request)

An algorithm to compute automorphism groups of K3 surfaces and an application to singular K3 surfaces

Paper: pdf

Automorphism groups of complex elliptic K3 surfaces with Picard number 3 (27 pages. This is an extended version of Section 9 of the paper.) pdf .

Automorphism groups of three singular K3 surfaces: Explanation of the data. pdf

The zip file of the three files: disc11.txt, disc15.txt, disc16.txt zip (32 MB)

The automorphism groups of certain singular K3 surfaces and an Enriques surface

Paper: pdf

The automorphism groups of certain singular K3 surfaces and an Enriques surface: computational data. pdf

The zip file of the comutational data: zip (0.8MB)

Dynkin diagrams of rank 20 on supersingular K3 surfaces (joint work with De Qi Zhang)

The complete list of R-supersingular K3 primes for Dynkin diagrams R of rank 20.

Download of the data:

Paper: pdf (Explanation of the algorithm and the table of the list typeset by TeX. 45 pages)

List: txt (The table of R-supersingular K3 primes in Maple format)

On the supersingular K3 surface in characteristic 5 with Artin invariant 1 (joint work with T. Katsura and S. Kondo)

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: "Supersingular K3 surface in characteristic 5: computational data" pdf

compdataB: txt (file size: 2.4 KB)
compdataChams: txt (file size: 7.8 MB)
compdataKm: txt (file size: 1.6 KB)

Automorphism group of a supersingular K3 surface with Artin invariant 1 in characteristic 3 (joint work with S. Kondo)

We present a finite set of generators of the autmorphism group of a supersingular K3 surface with Arin invariant 1 in characteristic 3.

Paper: pdf

Explanation of the data: Computational data of the paper "The automorphism group of a supersingular K3 surface with Artin variant 1 in characteristic 3" pdf

compdataAutFQChar3: txt (file size: 1.1 MB)
FQprojautfolder.tar.gz: tar.gz of the FQprojaut and FQprojautS (file size: 274 MB)

On elliptic K3 surfaces

The list of pairs of the ADE-type of singular fibers and the torsion of Modell-Weil groups of complex elliptic K3 surfaces

Download of the data:

Paper: pdf (Explanation of the algorithm. Certain properties of the list are also presented.)

Paper: pdf (110 pages)

Table: pdf (The table of the list typeset by TeX. 36 pages.)

List: text (The list of all 3693 pairs in plain text format.)

Rational double points on supersingular K3 surfaces

The complete list of configurations of rational double points with the total Milnor number 21 on supersingular K3 surfaces is given.
We also presents the complete list of extremal (quasi-)elliptic fibrations on supersingular K3 surfaces.

Download of the data:

Paper: pdf (Explanation of the algorithm and the table of the list typeset by TeX. 31 pages)

List: RDP.txt (The list of geometrically realizable RDP triples in Maple format)

List: Elliptic.txt (The list of geometrically realizable elliptic triples in Maple format)

A note on construction of the Leech lattice

Paper: A note on construction of the Leech lattice: pdf

Explanation of the data: Computational data for the paper ``A note on constructions of the Leech lattice": pdf

The computational data: ConstructionsLeech.txt (1.9 MB)

A note on Quebbemann's extremal lattices of rank 64

Paper: A note on Quebbemann's extremal lattices of rank 64: pdf

Explanation of the data: A note on Quebbemann's extremal lattices of rank 64: Computation data: pdf

The computational data: zipped folder (582 MB)

An even extremal lattice of rank 64

Paper: An even extremal lattice of rank 64: pdf

Explanation of the data: An even extremal lattice of rank 64: computational data: pdf

The computational data:
zipped folder compdataL64 (354.3 MB)

On Edge's correspondence associated with $\cdot 222$

Paper: On Edge's correspondence associated with $\cdot 222$: pdf

Explanation of the data: On Edge's correspondence associated with $\cdot 222$: computational data: pdf

The computational data: text file (458 KB)

The list of holes of the Leech lattice

Paper: Holes of the Leech lattice and the projective models of K3 surfaces: pdf

A note on the enumeration of holes of Leech lattice (Appendix A of the preprint above): pdf

Explanation of the data (new version, Appendix B of the preprint above): pdf

The computational data (new version in GAP format): text file (770 KB)

Below is the old version of the computational data in Maple format

Explanation of the data (old version): pdf

The computational data (old version in Maple format): text file (770 KB)

The graphs of Hoffman-Singleton, Higman-Sims, McLaughlin, and the Hermitian curve of degree 6 in characteristic 5

Paper: The graphs of Hoffman-Singleton, Higman-Sims, McLaughlin, and the Hermitian curve of degree 6 in characteristic 5: pdf

Explanation of the data: pdf

The zip file:

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